Chapter 30

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Cassie's POV:

I left Colby alone for awhile to give him some time to think about whatever is going through his mind. I wish he would tell me what's wrong, but I don't want to push it too much and come off as clingy. I'm just worried about him.

The next morning, I checked on him. I opened the fire expecting him to be sleeping, but I soon realized he wasn't. Colby was laying in his bed, his room surrounded by tissues and dirty clothes. "Colby, please talk to me. I just want to be here for you."

"You wouldn't understand."

"I don't care. I don't need to understand to be able to comfort you even just a little bit. I won't force you to tell me, but I think it would be beneficial for you to say what's on your mind."

"She's not gone. She'll be there when I visit. Right?" He looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked calmly. Whoever 'she' is must be extremely important to him. He looks so broken just thinking about it.

"M-my.. uh, my m-mom." He let out between sniffles. He looked at me with hope in his eyes, as if he believed his mom was still here.

"Colby, is your mom um.. dead?" I whispered the last word, worried for his reaction.

"No! She's still alive! She can't be gone.." Tears fell down his face, and instead of replying, I pulled him into my arms. I hugged him tight and let him cry on me until every last tear was gone. His face was red and his eyes puffy. It killed me to see him so upset, but I couldn't show that. Right now he needs me to stay strong and be there for him. "How about we watch a movie to distract you from all of this for a bit?"

"O-okay," He replied. "Can we watch 'The Breakfast Club'? That was her favorite."

"Of course babe. I'll be right back with the movie and some snacks and drinks." I kissed his cheek before leaving the room to grab stuff. I went to my room first because I had a copy of the movie on DVD. After grabbing it, I headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed popcorn, multiple candies, and two waters.

When I got back to Colby's room, I put the DVD in before laying down next to him and handing him his food and water. I skipped through all the previews, so we could get straight to the movie. As it started to play, I snuggled into Colby, and his arm wrapped around my waist. We stayed in this position throughout the movie, only moving to get more comfortable.

   In the middle of the movie, I heard a few small sniffles. I turned to face Colby, only to find tears streaming out of his eyes. Not saying anything, I pulled him into a hug to comfort him. "I'm sorry. This is just her favorite part, and I don't want to admit she's not here anymore."

   "It's okay, Colby. Let it all out. I can't say I understand because i've never lost a parent, but I will always be here for you. Just tell me what you need."

   "Thank you."

a/n guys i'm really really sorry that this is so late. my account has been acting up all day. i haven't been able to reply to comments or update until just now. this chapter is extremely bad and rushed, but i wanted to get it out. also i know i said i'd do a double update if you guessed what happened (which you did), but i won't be able to right now. it's 12 am and i need to wake up at 7 so i'm already not getting much sleep. i've also decided that i'm going to be ending this book between 35-50 chapters. i feel as though it's getting boring and there's nothing to write about. i don't want it to last too long to the point where you guys don't want to read it. so be prepared for an ending soon enough. one last thing: i recently started a new book (since this will end soon), and i'd really appreciate if you'd check it out. there are only two chapters so far, but please let me know what you think. sorry again that my chapters have been wicked short lately. i haven't had much time or any ideas on what to write. thanks for sticking with me.

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