Chapter 37

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(a/n: reread the last chapter or two so you can remember what happened since it's been a month or so)

Cassie's POV:

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs to get some food, only to find a few notes on the counter. Reading the top one, I can tell it's from Colby.

By the time you guys read this, I'm gone. I left in the middle of the night, so there's no chance I'm still alive. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to do it. Last night I took my life at a place you know of but wouldn't expect. Suicide bridge. I'm sorry, guys. I know I let you down and hurt you. I love you all.

I burst out in tears and fell to the ground. This can't be happening. I thought he was doing better. It's all my fault. I should've asked and talked with him more about how he was feeling. "S-Sam! P-please come h-help!" I yelled, my voice shaking with every word. My head was buried in my hands as I heard the sound of footsteps running over.

   "What's wrong? What's with all these notes?" He asked. I held my hand out and gave him the note that was directed towards all of us. As he read it, tears streamed down his face. Shaking his head, he repeated the same word over and over. "No, no, no..." We called the rest of them down here, all of us a complete mess and not able to do anything.

I showed them all the note he gave us, while wiping away the many tears that fell down my face. We all found the note addressed to ourself and began reading.

Dear Devyn,
You been a great friend to me. I know we've had a few problems through the time we spent together, but you always stuck with me. I'll never forget the good times we had, and I really enjoyed having you in the house with us. I'll miss you.
Love, Colby

Dear Corey,
It's been so great getting to know you and having all these amazing memories. I remember every time we hung out and every joke we made. I'll never forget the fun we had pranking each other and doing other random stuff. You're one of my brothers, and I'm definitely going to miss you a lot.
Love, Colby

Dear Elton,
Uncle Elton. Where do I begin? You've dragged me into all this haunted shit that has been fun and terrifying at the same time. We always made jokes and laughed when we were together. You brought me on trips of a lifetime that I will always remember and cherish. I can't thank you enough for all the opportunities you gave me throughout the years. I'll miss you greatly.
Love, Colby

Dear Cassie,
Wow. I wish this day never had to come. We may have only been together for a short period of time, but I truly fell in love with you. You are nearly perfect in every way. You've been there for me when no one else knew how to. I'm never going to forget you, Cass, and I hope you don't forget me either. I can't think o anything else to say right now, but please know that there was nothing you could do to stop me. Don't blame yourself for my actions. I want you to continue life knowing that you influenced my life so much, but I just couldn't hold on longer. Find yourself someone who will stay with you for the rest of your life, and never let him go. I wish you the best of luck in your life going forward. I love you, and I'll miss you.
Love, Colby

Dear Sam,
This letter hurts the most to write. Sam, you are my best friend in the entire world. You've been through everything with me. You helped me and brought me back up when i was down. We've gone through so much; we've had so many fun adventures. Unfortunately it was too much for me, and it was time for me to leave, but please continue to follow your dreams, our dreams. Pursue them for the both of us. Do what I couldn't. Keep inspiring the world, and show the fans that life can be amazing, even with the struggle and hardships you have. Also, you better propose to Kat soon because you two are perfect together. I know you'll have a great future ahead of you. I love you, bro.
Love, Colby

a/n so how was this. terrible? i know. at least i got something up though i guess. i'm sorry that the ending of this book sucks. my writing has definitely not benefited from this book because it still sucks per usual. anyways i'm gonna write another chapter that skips forward time and just summarized how their lives have been. thanks for reading (if you even do anymore). also this is extremely unedited and i didn't even read over it before publishing so that should explain why stuff wouldn't make sense or if the grammar and spelling is bad. please point out any mistakes.

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