Chapter 28

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*6 weeks later*

Cassie's POV:

I finally got my cast off, and it feels so much better now that my arm is free again. I can actually do stuff now, like move heavy objects. I'm not sure why I would want to, but the point is I have free range of motion.

   Everything has been pretty boring lately. The house isn't as full of energy anymore. All the roommates leave in the morning and don't come back until later. Some of them I haven't even seen in a week or so. It's kind of sad how distant we've grown. I've been really lonely because even Colby has been gone a lot.

   Colby hasn't been talking to me much at all now that I think about it. He'll say a few words and then hide in his room for the rest of the day. I think I need to call a house meeting because it's getting sorta ridiculous. They haven't even been filming skits with each other.

Guys I need to speak with you all when you get home.


   Even their text messages are short. Maybe I'm just overthinking about it, but it seems as though our friendships are falling apart.

*Time skip to when they're all home because I don't know what else to write*

We were all sitting in the living room on our phones, so I took charge and told everyone to put their phones down. I moved so I was standing in front of them before clearing my voice and speaking. "Have you guys noticed that none of us really talk anymore, and we don't ever film videos together either."

"I've been busy." Elton said nonchalantly. He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see why it matters so much to you."

"It matters because we used to all be like a family, and now most of you don't speak to each other. What happened?" I replied.

"Well Elton is an asshole." Corey glared at him.

"Oh please, you know all of this is your fault." Elton said.

The continued arguing until Sam broke it up. "Guys! Stop fighting! One of you explain the situation instead of yelling at the other."

As Corey explained what happened between them, we all listened attentively. After hearing what went on between the two of them, I understood why they haven't talked or gone near each other. Both made mistakes, but neither thought it was their fault. I can't fix it for them, however, so we'll have to wait for them to settle it themselves.

I let Corey, Elton, and Devyn leave so I could talk to Sam and Colby. "Alright, so why haven't you two been as close?"

"You can't fix this, Cassie. Just leave it alone." Colby said. He got up and walked out of the room.

"I don't know what I did wrong," Sam mumbled. "Colby hasn't been the same recently, and I'm worried about him."

"How has he been acting? He hasn't talked to me in awhile." I asked.

"He's just always gone, and he always has this distant and sad look in his eyes. I can only think of a few things it could be, but I'm not going to say them because I don't want to assume what's going on."

"Oh okay. I'll try to get him to open up to me." I replied. Sam nodded, and I made my way up to Colby's room. I knocked on the door twice, not receiving an answer either time. "Colby? Are you in there?"

"Go away."

"Colby please let me in," I said. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"No. Just leave me alone.. please." His voice cracked at the end, and I heard a quiet sniffle after.

"I'll leave, but please talk to me soon. I just want to help or at least be there for you."


A/N Well this chapter sucks. Guys i am so so sorry for not updating in almost 20 days. I feel awful for doing that to you all. I've had major writers block and just no motivation to write. I'm not even going to bother saying that I'll update more because honestly I don't think that would be true. I have no clue when I'll update this book next. It could be tomorrow or next month. My update schedule is awful, and again, I'm really sorry.

edit: i can't count. i put chapter 29 before so i had to change that. i'm so stupid 😂

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