Chapter 17

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Cassie's POV:

   I woke up and got ready for the day. I didn't want to lay around all day and mope about Colby cheating on me. I was obviously upset, but I wasn't going to cry and weep about it. I had to get over it eventually, so why waste time on someone who didn't care enough to be loyal.

I grabbed a bagel and walked outside. I was going to take a walk around the city and try to find something to do. I was walking down the street, looking at all the stores. I found an interesting store with a bunch of vinyls and albums.

   I entered the store and looked around. I found some stuff for my favorite bands. I planned on hanging them on my wall to decorate the apartment. It was very boring right now, so I needed stuff to make it more interesting.

   After buying everything, I walked towards Tender Greens, since it was the only restaurant I knew around here. I ordered some food and sat at a table. I took out my phone and checked everything. There were a bunch of fans asking if I was okay and a bunch of Shea's fans, that were giving me a lot of hate.

   I turned my phone off and finished my food. I left the building and headed to the park next. When I got there, there were only a few people there. There were a family, three teens, and two creepy looking men.

I sat down on a bench and watched everything. I thought about everything that has happened since I came to California. I met some really great friends, got a boyfriend, and then got cheated on. I had a pretty good time here, and I'm glad that I came. I was deep in my thoughts, when I heard a voice behind me. "Hey baby girl," a deep voice said in my ear. I froze as I realized who it was.

A/N Sorry this chapter is so short. I didn't have much time to write something because I've been on vacation and didn't have much service. Also, I kinda wanted to end it on a cliffhanger, but I promise I'll update as soon as possible. Comment who you think is talking to her. Please vote, comment, and share. Love you all!! ❤️

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