The Gift

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The storm troopers stood at attention as the new Supreme Leader lumbered by, carrying a woman. Unsuccessfully trying to conceal their astonishment and unable to pull themselves away from the sight. Their heads followed, continuing to watch until the hulking figure in black disappeared into the elevator.

Ben stood silently as they began their descent to his personal hangar. Not seeming the slightest bit fatigued, he held her against his chest.

" there something wrong?"

Two dark brown orbs, their depths seeming to go on for eternity, looked down at her with tenderness. Expressive eyes, older than his 30 plus years.

"Let's not talk." He replied softly, like he was telling her a secret.

"Why?" Rey whispered back.

"If I talk we will never leave this elevator. It is taking every ounce of strength that I have to not press that button and take you right here. We have to leave this ship."

Rey started to laugh.

"What?" He didn't know whether to be amused or self conscious.

"All of this..." She shook her head in disbelief."How many more floors?"

Letting out a sigh of frustration, he kissed her forehead and looked forward. Deciding to let it be, she snuggled in closer, briefly closing her eyes. Melting into him, a wave of sadness washed over her.The body beneath the abrasive black fabric that was scratching her face, spent years desperately wanting to be touched and loved. She started to kiss his heart through his tunic, moving up to his neck where she lightly brushed her lips against his sweaty skin. Every spot she touched was uncharted, and even he had no idea how it would feel or how he would react. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his eyes flutter and roll back, chewing at his lips from restraint.

"Grrrrrrrrrr." He growled. It was the only sound or expression he could make. Refusing to drop her, he continued to growl but wouldn't tell her to stop. Almost comical, the rumbling of his chest made her smile and giggle against him.

Beep, beep. The sounds of the elevator slowed as the they came to a merciful stop. The doors swished open to the immense hangar, abuzz with droids and personnel scurrying to evacuate. Ben's patience was thin. Droids, storm troopers, pilots, were startled as they felt the sudden invisible push as he rushed past them. Once again he walked her up the ramp of his command shuttle and before she knew it they were flying through an ocean of glittering stars.


Stomping down the halls, Ben was barking commands at everyone and everything in his path. Already fearful of him, people and droids scattered as he stormed forward.

"MOVE!" The bass of his voice rumbled. Angry and full of sexual frustration, he was a mix of boiling temper and an odd playfulness. Determined, Ben Solo was a man who always finished what he started. Still carrying her, refusing to let her bare feet touch the floor, they finally arrived at the door to his personal quarters. To think that brooding Ben Solo had a sense of humor, slightly twisted but very endearing.

Their banter was a wave of relief to those caught in their path.

Pressed against the wall, two officers looked at each other, smiling, when they should have been afraid. It was quite a scene. At first glance, it could have been an abduction, but instead of thrashing or fighting him off, she was smiling and one might even believe laughing. Laughing? Had their ever been laughter? Only in the barracks and mess hall. Had their ever been love in the First Order? Of course, hidden in the shadows, in dark corners, and in the subtle quick longing looks between youthful recruits from across the room.

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