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Whispers tickled his fingertips traveling up his arms vibrating like ringing bells, gaining momentum as he closed eyes and began to focus.

Speak to me....Grandmother. After all of this time...

I am here, my grandson, I have always been here, my Ben-

The voice swirled and churned the air in the tomb, causing the candle flames to flicker wildly. Focusing deeper, calming himself into a meditative state, his hearing muffled zooming inward as his vision and sense of time slowed.

After all of this time....why now?

Ben felt an overwhelming rush of light and love surge through his arms and into his body. Slowly a luminous form was taking shape in front of him.

How can this be, you were not a Jedi?

All things are possible through the force, my love....you of all should know this.

The room swelled and contracted, filled with an indescribable warmth, an energy unlike anything he had ever felt.

I...I...don't know what this is?

Straining to bring her closer, to give her form shape and substance, he struggled.

Don't Ben, that is not what this is. I have been silent for too long. You know...search yourself...you know why

No...no I don't...

But you do....you have always known. It is time to close the loop, my love. You have never been ready to hear these things...it is time to train...it is time for a new order.

But Rey....

Rey knows, my love. Rey knows more than you can imagine...She has always known...and she carries within her a new hope.... these are your first steps...it is time to be who you were really meant to be and do what you were truly meant to do and in time you will do it together. You were not meant to be just a ruler.


Ben...we love you. We have always loved you.

Closing his eyes, he tried to absorb everything, to freeze it like carbonite suspended for eternity. But as quickly as she appeared, she was gone.

Tears streamed out of the corners of his eyes as he fell to his knees in front of the large stone slab. He looked upward toward the stained glass overlooking the waterfalls of Naboo that told the story of the Chosen one and his Bride.

Ben Solo, Prince of Alderaan, Supreme Leader of the Known and Unknown Regions, Son of a Princess and a Scoundrel, Grandson of the Chosen One and his Queen, Nephew of the Greatest Jedi ever known, Dyad with Rey the Scavenger and hope of the galaxy, the last source of the Skywalker bloodline, rose to his feet.

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