The Keepers

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New visitors Alcida-Auka thought to herself as she watched the large black space boat land. Thinking it looked odd, like a big black bird with red eyes, she contemplated if this visitor would be as curious as the one before. Would it be kind or bring the fire and darkness she had learned of from her mother's songs that were passed down for thousands of years that told the story of the Lanai and the island?

It had only been a few weeks since she found the Curious One's robes on the rock, having disappeared either in the water below or vanished into the light beyond, and ensured that it was cleaned, folded, and placed with his other belongings in the repository. This was part of their purpose, preserving and maintaining their rich history.There were many things in the repository, items that many visitors in the past had taken, and some had returned. Some had left their treasures in the safe keeping of the Lanai, each hoping that they would be the last to know of the sacred place's existence. But, as with with all of these strange creatures, more would come, even after long periods of time.

The Lanai had finished the repairs from the destruction of the curious one's rude student, the one he called his niece. The destroyed hut was rebuilt, along with the lightning rod and mossy overgrowth. Winter was arriving and the vast stone steps had been swept clean of the light dusting of snow that fallen that morning. Alcida-Auka made a mental note to check the fire wood reserves. This new visitor would probably need it.

The sunlight was warm but the air was bitter cold, full of moisture from the ocean spray and humidity. They would need to go back to the shuttle to get more supplies to adjust for the change in season. Rey had only known the island to be rainy or sunny, she was not accustomed to or expecting the frigid temperature.

" We will need to start a fire and set up our camp, unless you want to go back down to the ship?" She swallowed hard, worrying that this had all been a big mistake.

"No. This is OK. Keep going." Ben seemed indifferent. He was introspective and not giving off any indication of what was brewing inside, which made Rey slightly uncomfortable. Rey continued to climb the slippery steps that were slick from a thin layer of ice.

"Are you sure? Really, we could just go back. We can come up here tomorrow...leave our stuff below." Rey spoke as she continued to move forward, breathing heavy from hauling their heavy bags.

"Let me take those, it is slippery."

Shooting him a sharp glance, she realized that her words were lost on him. Handing over the bags, her muscles stung from the relief, and for once she let down her facade of independence. Sighing under her breath, she pushed forward up the treacherous path.

Reaching the top, Rey was amazed to see that the damage and destruction of her last visit had been completely repaired in such a short time. As usual, the keepers, acknowledging her with suspicion and disdain, continued on with their work as if they were not there.

"Well that's not surprising." Rey mumbled under her breath, clearly annoyed by the less than warm welcome.

"You were right, they don't like you." Ben was amused, until he noticed that one of the creatures which seemed to be the leader was staring him up and down. The smile faded from his face and his eyes took on a distant deep stare. For a moment, man and creature beheld one another, sharing some strange connection that Rey was not privy to. Alcida-Auka looked back at her broom and continued to sweep.

"What was that about?" Rey asked dumbfounded.

"It was nothing. Do not worry, I have a good feeling we are quite welcome here."

"Come on, I am freezing." Rolling her eyes, Rey mumbled under her breath as she stomped forward toward the hut. There was still so much she had to learn about him, about his strength and abilities.

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