Evil smile pt 3

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Erik pov:
I dragged klaw lifeless body in a plastic bag as i walked to wakanda at the kingdom.
I arrived in front of the kingdom as some guards approached me.
Guard1:what is that?
He asked in his accent
Erik:just a little gift,how about you look inside and see.
I said with a smirk but they didn't budge to open it,so I helped them out.
I unzipped the plastic bag revealing klaw lifeless body.
Guard2: who are you here for?
Erik: the king of wakanda.
I said with a grin.
Y/n pov:
T'challa: oh my god y/n why didn't you say nothing before.
He said pacing back and forth
Y/n:I don't know I just was shocked.
I said shrugging my shoulders.
Okoye came busting through the doors.
Okoye:we have a problem a outsider came and claimed he killed klaw for a little gift.
She said out of breath.
I stood up waiting for the guards to bring the outsider along with the rest.
The door flew open as the guards walked inside with...

I gasped

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I gasped.
T'challa finally spoke up.
T'challa:why is he here?
Asked t'challa.
Guard3:he claimed to have killed klaw and he said he wanted to see you.
T'challa stood in front of him
T'challa:what's your name?
He gritted through his teeth
Y/n: his name is Erik.
You stood up and shouted as everyone looked at you.
He said laughing.
I raised my eyebrows in confusion.
Erik:ask who am i.
He said chuckling raising his eyebrows

T'challa chuckled as he walked back to his seat

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T'challa chuckled as he walked back to his seat.
Erik: ask me.
He said chuckling than all of a sudden...
One of them asked
????:who are you
They asked curiously.
He yelled making everyone gasp.
Ramona: no you can't be.
She said shocked
Erik: Sup auntie.
He said smirking.
Than looked back at me giving me an evil smile
T'challa walked back towards him.
T'challa:what do you want from me?
He asked curiously
Erik:I want your throne

Erik:it looks mighty comfy,sitting in the chair,making people take orders from you

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Erik:it looks mighty comfy,sitting in the chair,making people take orders from you.
He said shrugging his shoulders
Erik:I want to battle you for the throne.
He said chuckling
Ramona:no son don't do it
She said scared
T'challa:I stand for battle.
We were outside on the rocks in the center of the ocean as Erik prepared.
Erik:I've been waiting for this moment all my life ready to get revenge

Erik:I've been waiting for this moment all my life ready to get revenge

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Erik: I'm going to get that throne and I know I will.
He said laughing

All of a sudden they started fighting so fast

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All of a sudden they started fighting so fast

I gasped as Ramona gripped my hand along with shuri

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I gasped as Ramona gripped my hand along with shuri .
Everything happened so fast as I saw Erik slice t'challa leg making him groan in pain.
Zuri approached the two and told them what actually happened than Erik stabbed him in the heart.
I screamed as I cried and he fell down.
T'challa cried as he got mad and started fighting aggressively.
Erik held t'challa in the air over the waterfall getting ready to throw him down.
He threw him down as I screamed crying hard than ran over to Erik but shuri held me back and I snatched away from her.
I ran towards him.
I ran towards him hitting his chest as I tried to run to the end of the cliff but Erik held me back.
Erik:he's gone,I'm the new king now.
He said smirking doing the evil smile....
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