Chapter 38: The Road Goes Ever On And On

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"Okie-dokie then," Sam says. "Runner Five, Runner Twenty-three, how's it lookin'?"

"I'm here, Sam, waiting by the gates while they finish packing their van," Paula says. "I think I see Runner Five coming up now."

"I'm here. I'm here," I pant, chest heaving. "Sorry, I had... well, you know."

"Yeah, I know," He sighs.

It's been a week since I gave Milo his punishment, and he's been trying to cause trouble with me ever since, as if he thinks that will make me take away his punishments. In reality, it just makes me want to take away more things that he likes to do.

I'll never understand children's logic. You'd think I would, since I myself am one, but my childhood ended when the apocalypse began.

"Yeah. Shouldn't uh, shouldn't they be done by now?"

"Yeah, they should. Uh, could you go over and see what the delay is?" He questions. "Not that I want to see them leave, but some of us do have other jobs to be getting on with."

Turning on my heel, I head for the van. But the sound of my tennis shoes against the hard dirt are drowned out by the muffled arguing coming from behind the van. Curious, I head around, and see Janine, sapphire eyes ablaze, and Jack, whose jaw is clenched in frustration and annoyance.

"Oh, come on, Janine! You know how important this is."

"A barrel of rather toxic smelling cider is hardly vital equipment." She frowns, arms crossed.

"Yes, it is!" He argues. "This is supposed to be a morale raising tour!"

"Mr. Holden-"

"Our vital Ministry mandated tour around the country to cheer up and check on all the isolated communities out there, and-and you know, we raise the morale better when we're in good spirits ourselves."

"Excuse me-"

"And it's Phil's last batch. And who knows when we'll have enough apples to make more?"

"That's quite beside the point, Mr. Holden. The additional weight will increase your fuel consumption, and while God knows morale is of vital importance now more than ever, that does not mean you have unlimited resources at your disposal," She says. "And morale is not your only concern. You have vital connections to make. You'll be gathering information from Tony-out contact in London-and relaying crucial data back to me."

It's been awhile since I heard from Tony. Hope he's doin' okay.

He probably is. He's good at keeping himself hidden. But I'm guessing he misses Chrysalis. Being back there, remembering those months he had with her... it was easy to see just how much he cared for her. And now she's gone...

"I don't know," Jack murmurs. "We got this fancy van and this top of the line equipment, and neck pillows. You really expect me to believe you can't spring for a bit of extra fuel as well?"

Janine scoffs. "A bit of extra fuel? A bit? Have you done the math, Mr. Holden? With the additional weight, you lose three more miles per gallon. That's an efficiency loss of almost ten percent for cider. As acting Ministry liaison here at Abel, I simply cannot allow-"

"Hey, what's going on back there?" Zoe asks after she popped the back door of the van open. "We're losing light."

"Is this about the cider again, Jack?" Eugene asks from the passenger seat. "I told you we don't need it. Leave it here and they can throw us a decent farewell party. Just get in the damn van."

"Fine. Oh." He jumps in surprise, finally noticing me. I give a small wave that he sheepishly returns. "Hello, Five."

"Five, my amazing fiancée!" Phil calls, and I laugh.

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