Chapter 64: Human

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"So, it never was Diana. It was..." Caleb pauses for a second, "what do you call her again?"

"Her name in Cynthia, but she calls herself Moonchild," I reply, shifting in Sam's swivel chair as Sam silently stands off to the side, leaning against the wall in a way that I would find very, very appealing if not for the situation at hand.

"Yeah... and she knows where we are? She knows where Comansys is?"

"No. But she does know you're on a ship, because we told her." I run my hand through my freshly washed hair. "I can't believe we didn't see it."

"It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault but hers. Moonchild's the one who's doing this. But maybe if we can find a way to assemble that machine here on the ship, we can become cured." Caleb pauses. "Then I can come home."

I smile softly at the thought. "Yeah, that'd be nice. We all miss you."

"I miss you guys too. How's it been at Abel, besides the whole Moonchild thing?"

I shrug, even though he can't see it. "Pretty well, I guess. Milo's still training his heart out, Penelope's become a social butterfly and me-well, I run."

It's almost sad how I describe things. But it's true. Running is all I do, and I've barely spent any time with the children to really know how things have been going in school and with friends. I've been a less than great parent recently.

"Uh huh. And how's progress going?"

I blink, my eyes shifting over to Sam in confusion. He simply shrugs in reply. To be honest, I'm not sure if he's actually listening. I think he's just in here because Janine doesn't want anyone in here alone besides a few certain people, which I am not one of. Plus I could be put under mind control at any time, so I need to be watched when I'm somewhere important like the coms shack.

But yeah, Sam probably isn't listening. He hasn't said one word to Caleb since he patched us into the Comansys ship.

"Progress?" I ask.

"You know, with your boyfriend who you say isn't your boyfriend."

From the corner of my eye I see Sam raise a brow in interest, and I force out a laugh as my face heats up. "You're not talking about Phil, are you? Because it's actually the other way around."

"No, I'm not talking about Phil. That whole fake fiancé thing is stupid, anyway. You know who I'm talking about, and don't deny it, because when you were with me on those ships, you talked about him nonstop. I mean, you talked about the kids too, but that's different. Don't tell me you're still going around acting like you don't love each other."

"That's enough for today, matchmaker," I say, growing redder by the second. I can see Sam is definitely interested in what we're saying now, although he's still keeping quiet. I think he's waiting to see how this conversation is going to play out, and I can't help but frown at him for being so nosy.

Although, him being curious about what I keep secret is a hobby of his. It's how he knows so much about what I've seen and what I know.

"What?" The redhead asks. "Just because I'm not in Abel doesn't mean I can't be a good best friend."

"Yeah, well, now's not the time to talk about my non-existent love life."

"Why not? We're apparently all screwed at the moment, or at least, it seems that way. Why not look away from the fact that we're screwed and talk about the guy you want to screw?"

"Caleb!" I screech, face now burning while Sam has to cover his mouth to hold in his laughter.


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