The Guest Professor//Chapter 18

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Nico's POV

Finally! Today was the day that Remus was coming to teach my class for the week! I'm so happy to finally have some time off from teaching annoying children and get to actually be taught like the rest of them.

I stayed up all night last night, as I wanted to make sure I was ready to greet Remus. I was so excited I could hardly sit still.

As I waited for the sun to rise fully, tapping my fingers on the table, I thought about my plans for the rest of the year. I wanted to make sure that these students were as prepared as they could be when facing the real world.

I sighed, passing the time by cleaning up my room, until finally it was time for breakfast.
I slid down to banister to the common room and plopped into a chair beside my friends.

"GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!" I shouted into the room.

"Gee, what's got you in such a great mood?" Draco asked me.

A devilish smirk adorned my face. "You'll just have to wait and see."

The group of wizards and witches looked alarmed.

"Nico, what did you do?" Mione asked in a disapproving tone.

I put on a face of mock disbelief. "I did nothing! Well at least, nothing bad. You have no faith in me? After everything I've done?"

Neville snorted. "That's exactly why we don't trust you."

I glared at the two, before checking my watch.

"Oh, Styx, I gotta go. See you guys in class." I chuckled evilly and ran out the door.

The groups eyes widened as the rushed after me, but I was already gone.


I had sprinted down the hallways, using the shadows to boost my speed as I ran. I stopped by the Great Hall to eat a piece of toast, and then went to my classroom. I cleaned it up as fast as I could before sitting down, waiting for Remus to arrive.

Twenty minutes before my first class, which was 8th Years, Remus came through the door.

"Sorry I'm late, Dumbledore decided to be a pain and ask me a ton of personal questions." Remus apologized, slightly out of breath.

"Not a problem Remmy! I'm just glad you could come teach. No students saw you on your way here, right?"

He nodded his head. "I used one of the Marauders Maps to avoid everyone."

I nodded my head in approval. "Soooo.......spill the details." I stated bluntly before sitting down.

Remus gave me a confused look. "Details on what?"

I gave a pointed look to his left hand. On his ring finger, there was a gold, silver, and black braided band that twisted into an infinity sign in the middle. Inside the infinity sign, the words I Love You To The Moon And Back were inscribed.

Remus blushed lightly. "Well, it was Siri's birthday and I asked him how he wanted to celebrate. He told me he wanted to go shopping, so I took him to the mall and let him buy whatever he wanted. The look on his face."

Remus shook his head. "Anyways, we stayed at the mall for a couple hours, until Padfoot wanted to split up and meet back at the house at 7. I complied, seeing as I still needed to pick up one of his gifts. Once I made it back to the house, Siri told me he wanted to have a picnic dinner. So, we headed to a nearby secluded park and ate a wonderful dinner. Then, before it was time to go home, he proposed. Of course, I said yes, and then we went home and..." He trailed off a blushed a bit darker. "All I'm willing to say is that I regret letting Padfoot shop alone and I really hate a couple of the presents you gifted us."

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