Jealous Kitty

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"Hey, you,"

Marinette glanced over her shoulder, to see a guy even bigger than Kim standing just over her. "Hello." Marinette greeted warmly. She was a bit confused but she was ready to help him, maybe he just needed some directions.

"I like your hair." The guy tugged on her pigtail a little too hard to be friendly.

"Ouch!" Marinette winced "don't do that." She scowled at him but the guy just shrugged it off.

"Stop what?" The guy asked, "I was just giving you a compliment."

"I'm sorry, can I help you with something?" Marinette asked again trying not to lose her temper.

"You sure can." The boy placed his hand on the rail beside her and leaned toward her.

Adrien yawned, tired from his last photoshoot.

"I'm sorry can I help you with something?" Marinette's voice caught his attention as he passed by the bridge in the park.

"hmm..." Adrien took a few steps onto the bridge to get a better look. "hey..." Adrien raised his hand to wave at her but her expression made him stop, she had a bit of a scowl on her face, which was pretty unusual for Marinette. She was usually so upbeat and happy.

"UGHHHHH!" Plagg groaned "when are we going to get me some cheese?"

"Hold on, Plagg." Adrien narrowed his eye at the guy standing over Marinette, he placed his hand on the rail beside Marinette and moved closer to her.

"What's he doing..." Adrien's hand curled into a fist.

"You sure can." The guy grabbed her hand and pulled her closer and Adrien snapped.

"Plagg, claws out." Adrien growled.

Adrien clawed at the air as his transformation completed and pounced.

"Hey, let go!" Marinette snatched her hand back, he wasn't holding it tight enough to hurt her but he shouldn't be so rude, he didn't even ask her to hold her hand. what if Adrien saw them and thought she wanted this total stranger coming onto her!

"I'm just being friendly." The guy reached out to caress her cheek but a black gloved hand intervened.

"You should never touch a princess without permission." Chat Noir, appeared perched on the rail beside Marinette. He hovered over her like a protector that had emerged from her shadow.

"Chat Noir!" Marinette exclaimed, never had she been happier to see her Cat.

"Good day, Princess." Chat Noir flashed a smile and shoved the guy back, maybe a little harder than he normally would to a regular person.

"As her self-appointed purr-tector, I am going to have to ask you to leave the princess alone." Chat spun his staff around and rested it across his shoulders.

"I'd hate for things to get, rough." Chat Noir narrowed his eyes at the guy.

"You could have mentioned your boyfriend was Chat Noir." The guy huffed.

Chat Noir smiled over his shoulder at Marinette, waiting for her to deny it like Ladybug but Marinette had her arms folded across her chest and a smile on her face when she met his eyes.

"Do yourself a favor." Chat Noir turned his back to the guy "get out of here."

The guy growled and stormed off.

"Don't you have good timing?" Marinette giggled as Chat Noir leaned back against the rail.

"I try." Chat Noir shrugged "I've taken to just staying close by since the baddies seem to gravitate toward you."

"and what about the heroes?" Marinette leaned against the rail beside Chat Noir.

"Oh yea," Chat Noir looked to the sky for a moment before returning his eyes to her. "Definitely the heroes too."

"Lucky me." Marinette scratched under Chat's chin. Chat closed his eyes and his arms relaxed by his side as he accepted her scratches.

"Are you purring?" Marinette asked. Chat shook his head but didn't pull away. Marinette pressed her ear to his chest and laughed.

"Yes, you are." Marinette laughed and wrapped her arms around him. Chat opened his eyes surprised at the hug.

"Thank you, Chat Noir." Marinette whispered into his shoulder, "you're always there for me." Chat wrapped his arms around her and pressed his cheek to the top of her head.

"I'll always be here to protect you, Princess." 

Comments are always appreciated, thanks for reading


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