The Flirt

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        "Beautiful job, M'lady." Chat Noir complimented as his partner swiftly landed beside him.

"Not so bad yourself, Kitty." Ladybug winked at him. Chat's face turned red at the slightest hint.

"Are you flirting with me?" He asked hopefully. Ladybug rolled her eyes and fisted her hand on her hip.

"No, Chat." She sighed "that was a compliment." She gave him a slight smirk "but if that's too much for you to handle I can stop that too."

"No!" Chat exclaimed "I'll take the compliment... and anything else My Lady would like to give me." He flashed her a smile, his eyes bright green.

"Alright, Kitty." Ladybug reached out to scratch his chin, Chat Noir raised his chin to her and then her earrings beeped.

"Sorry, Chat." Ladybug pulled back. "got to go."

"Awe..." Chat frowned. He wilted and dropped his head. Ladybug sighed, sorry for her friend and reached back out and scratched behind his ears. He smiled and rubbed his head into her hand.

"Alright." Ladybug flung her yoyo out "bugout." She threw a two-fingered salute at her partner and zipped off.

"Yeah..." Chat Noir smiled "she was flirting with me." his ring beeped down to the last dot "Time for me to go too." Cat Noir used his staff to launch himself into the air leaving the crowd cheering behind him.   

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