Where's Plagg???

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        "Hurry, Marinette!" Tikki exclaimed as Marinette tore through the streets of Paris. "You're going to be late."

"I know, Tikki, I know!" Marinette rounded the corner to the steps of the school and ran straight into Adrien.

"Woah!" Adrien reached out and caught her under her arms almost on reflex, she was always falling down. "careful, you'll get hurt."

"Oh, my goodness." Marinette squeaked "I'm so sorry, Adrien I was in such a rush and..." she scrambled for something better to say but what do you say to a boy you fall into almost everyday?

"I'm used to it." Adrien smiled and helped right her.

"Oh no." Marinette grabbed her head and mussed her hair "I'm a total klutz, you're so used to it you expect it!"

"Relax, Marinette." Adrien laughed good naturedly "it's alright, I don't mind lending a friend a hand."

"Oh wow..." Marinette struggled to get her words out "that's really nice of you." Her cheeks turned bright red.

"Be careful, I'll see you later." Adrien patted her on the shoulder.

"Huh..." Marinette spotted his car at the end of the stairs. "but school just started."

"Last minute shoot," Adrien shrugged "got to do what Father says if I want to keep coming back."

"Oh, yeah..." Marinette stifled her sigh. "well I guess I'll see you after lunch then?" Marinette asked hopefully.

"Yeah, it shouldn't take long." Adrien started to walk away.

"Look out!" A giant ball came bouncing down the stairs right at Marinette.

"Ah!" Marinette tried to scramble out of the way but the ball smacked into her and knocked her backward.

Adrien looked back in time to see Marinette crash into her sending them both down the last few steps.

"Oh no!" Marinette exclaimed when she found herself sprawled across Adrien.

"I'm so sorry!" Marinette scrambled to her feet as Adrien's gorilla of a body guard rushed over to him.

"I'm so so sorry, Adrien!" Marinette knelt beside him "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Adrien gave his head a shake "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you're the one who took the hard part." Marinette exclaimed gesturing to the ground. Adrien bit back a laugh at the unintentional pun. Marinette offered a hand to help him up.

"I can't believe I've just bull dozed into twice in less than five minutes." Marinette whined as she pulled Adrien to his feet.

"No harm done, Marinette." Adrien assured her "besides, the second one wasn't your fault."

A grunt interrupted them as the gorilla placed his hand on Adrien's shoulder. Adrien offered Marinette a final reassuring smile "I'd better get going."

Marinette stammered for words but finally settled on a simple wave as Adrien slid into his car.

"Oh my gosh, Marinette, are you okay?"

Adrien shut the door, cutting the girl's concerns for Marinette off. Marinette was a magnet for bad luck he tried not to count himself into that category, considering he was basically bad luck personified, but then again, she was clumsiest around him. Maybe all her falling was his fault. Adrien brushed the thoughts aside and opened the middle console to expose a pile of camembert cheese.

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