Adrien's Competition Part 4

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          ***Note: these texts take place prior to the actual story if you are one that follows the text companions and the parts, I recommend watching the text story first. Thank you***

          Chat prowled along the rooftops, as Ethan made his way home after another rejection from Marinette. He seemed more aggravated than usual. Chat hopped to the lower rooftops and angled his head toward Ethan to try and catch what he was mumbling.

"Who does she think she is?" Ethan grumbled "I shower her in gifts and compliments and I can't even get her to go out with me." Ethan's hands curled into fists.

"If I could just get her alone I could trick her into thinking I'm the guy she wants." Ethan stopped and glanced back over his shoulder at a noise.

Trick her! Chat internally growled. He dropped down behind Ethan. Ethan turned at the noise Chat made to get his attention.

"Hello, Ethan." Chat growled.

"Hey, Chat Noir." Ethan smiled completely missing the hero's tone. "did you want a picture with me?"

"Not exactly." The kitty's tone darkened. "We need to have a chat." Chat grabbed Ethan and shoved him up against the wall "leave Marinette alone, she's not into you and she's too smart to be tricked by you."

"Lay off man." Ethan tried to push Chat away but Chat was solid. "I don't know what thing you have for my girl but it's over." Ethan pushed him and this time Chat stepped back, he needed to be careful before he really lost his temper.

"Don't go visiting her on her balcony anymore." Ethan snapped.

"How did you..." Chat trailed off and remember the first night Ethan tried to pick Marinette up, he had seen Chat on the building across from Marinette.

"Now you're gonna listen to me, Cat." Ethan puffed his chest up "stay away from my girl."

"She's not your girl." Chat growled "she doesn't even respond to your texts, she doesn't even answer her door for you or eat the chocolates you send her."

"Pfft, she's just playing hard to get." Ethan rolled his eyes "those are the fun girls." He winks at Chat. Chat slammed him up against the wall again "if you don't leave Marinette alone..." Chat raised his hand up "you're going to deal with me...CATACLYSM!" energy pulsed in Chat's hand.

"You wouldn't..." Ethan eyed the dark energy, he'd seen the damage Chat's power move could do and he wasn't particularly interested in finding out what it would do to him.

"I would," Chat slapped his hand against the wall beside Ethan. The wall crumbled and Ethan stumbled back into the rubble.

"Stay away from, Marinette." Chat spun his staff and raised himself upward onto the building across the street.


Part 5 will be up tomorrow

Comments are greatly appreciated and help me know what parts people like the most and what people want to see more of.

Don't Forget to follow this story to keep up to date on the parts. I'm thinking about 6 parts in total for this.

Is it just me or is Chat Noir Cute when he's protecting his Puuurrrrinces? XD


Thanks so much for all the comments, they really help me to think and help me to improve.

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