6) perfect

91 10 0

2:37 pm

dustin: omg
eleven: spill.
dustin: he sent me a heartttttt
eleven: awww

will: so uh, wanna come over?
dustin: yesss be there in 10

dustin's pov

"i missed you," he said as i walked through the front door.
"i texted you like 10 minutes ago," i replied, blushing. he missed me.
"way too long," he said as he closed the door.

then he kissed me. no warning at all. just leaned right in and kissed me. i kissed back, obviously, and it was perfect. i like him so much. everything feels right when i'm with him.

"uh..wanna watch a movie?" he said after pulling away. he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"no. i wanna kiss you some more. but sure, i'll settle for the movie," i said, smirking.


about halfway through jaws i turned to him.
"i told my mom. about me. being gay."
"really? that's great! what'd she say?" he asked, eyes sparkling.

"she was totally fine with it. she said she was surprised, but she supported me one hundred percent. it feels really good to have it out there."

"yeah, i completely understand. it's like a weight lifted. not having to keep that secret is really relieving," he said considerately.
"so..i guess i'm afraid ask," he said.
"are you..are you gonna tell the guys?"

"yeah. i think i should. i'm fine with who i am. i kinda want to share it with them. and i want to be able to do this," i grabbed his hand and held it tight, "in front of them."

he looked down at our interlocked hands and smiled. the rest of the day was just as perfect as that single moment.

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