28) ice

36 7 8

8:21 am

will: get my sister. come outside. now.
max: is everything okay? where are you?!
will: outside.

third person pov

max threw her phone back in her bag and asked to go to the bathroom.

she looked at eleven and tugged her ear, signaling for her to come to the hallway.

a few minutes later, with some convincing, el was excused to the restroom as well.

"what's going on?" she asked as she closed the classroom door.

"i'm not sure, but i think will is in trouble," max replied, her voice thick with worry.

the two ran out the doors and called his name. they walked around the perimeter of the school, and came to the alley behind the gym.

they walked past it quickly, but backtracked when they needed a second glance. had there been someone there?

the girls walked down the alley and gasped when they realized it was will. he was curled up on the floor next to the wall.

"oh my gosh! what happened?" max exclaimed as she saw her pummeled best friend.

"who the hell did this to you?" eleven asked her twin.

he shuddered and they rushed to help him up. he had one hand wrapped around his phone, the other against his stomach.

he tried to stand, but his legs gave out. the girls threw his arms over their shoulders and walked to the bike racks.

after max helped secure will onto eleven's back, she got on her bike. they knew where they were headed without even a word.


they walked in the back door of dustin's house. his mom was at work, but they wanted to take any and all precautions.

he came out of his room with a baseball hat in hand. "who's there?" he asked to the almost empty house.

"just us," max replied, her voice strained from carrying will for so long.

they walked into the living room of the house and dustin dropped the bat immediately when he saw his boyfriend.

"oh my gosh," he said as he picked will up and took him from the girls.

dustin laid the smaller boy down on the couch, and eleven went to the kitchen for ice. max texted the lucas and mike, filling them in.

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