Chapter Four

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3 days later

(Anna's POV)

(Inserting background music :For the first time in forever instrumental)

"Princess Anna?" a voice from the door awakens the beast. Just kidding. Well, I looked like a beast for the past 3 days because I always see that Krist*sshole everywhere I go. Stalker much?

Any ways. If you are wondering why I woke up so early today, because today, I will be meeting my stranger groom.

It's a weird name right? Well, let's just hope that this man treats me well.

I wore my favorite dress, once again and this time, I used my pink cape. I fixed my hair into my daily hairstyle. I came out of my room to be greeted by Elsa who was wearing her coronation gown with her cape and her hair was in her twisted bun. I saw that she was wearing gloves.

"Elsa... you look.. the same. It's like coronation day all over again. But now you don't have to worry about anything" I reassured her. "Yes, and Anna, you look exactly the same 2 years ago. Still the pretty girl you are" she says.

"Are you ready?" she asks me. "I was born ready!" I said and we went on the ship.

I was a bit uncomfortable because, our parents died in a shipwreck and I'm sweating hardcore right now.

But the only thing that calms me down is thinking of Hiccup. I wonder how he is right now? Did he forget about me or anything?

I'm don't know why but it's like I'm expecting to meet Hiccup there. I just hope that comes true.

"Elsa? Can I have some Chocolate?" I asked her and she nodded. I then sat down beside her and held her cloth covered hands.

"Thank you Elsa" I said leaning my head on her shoulder. "For what?" she asked me. "For everything. For being there for me. For being such a great sister" I say and hug her. She then kissed me on the forehead and rested her head on mine.

We layed down on net bed that was hanging and rest in each others arms.


I wake up to the sound of humming. I looked up to see Elsa ... Sewing!? I didn't know she could sew.

"Elsa I didn't know you could sew" I said and she smiled at me. "Sometimes you have to learn things while your isolated alone in a room" she responded making me chuckle.

The bell then rang. Me and Elsa quickly stood up. I don't know why but I was pretty excited.

As we went down the ship, my heart was pounding. And just then I looked up the afternoon sky to see... Dragons?

As I stepped back, I tripped but luckily someone caught my hand. I lookes up to see, a man wearing armor and a metal mask.

As he removed the mask, I was slowly dying. I saw... Hiccup?

"Anna!?". "Hiccup!?" My heart just exploded... I quickly stood up to hug him.

"I knew we would see each other again!" I say as I hug him tighter. "Yeah, me too.." he says and we pull away from the hug.

I smile and he smiles. "So, umm..What are you doing here?" he asks me. "Um.. I'm engaged to someone here." I tell him. "And I'm engaged to someone from that boat" he says..... What?

"Anna? Where are you?" I hear my sister's voice from behind me. "Oh,  I gotta go Hiccup!" I say and went to Elsa.

"Anna? Where have you been?" she asked me worriedly. "I-uh- I got a bit lost but you saved me" I lied.

"C'mon... You're betrothed is waiting for you" she says giggling. I can't believe I saw Hiccup here.

So this is what he said. Almost everyone has dragons. As we approach a hall, me amd Elsa fix ourselves and enter.

As we entered I saw a woman in a coat holding some kind of staff. She looked tough.. And awesome. Which makes me want to be just like her.

"Welcome your majesties, to Berk. I am the mother of Your betrothed. Please ... take your seat" The woman says and we both sit down.

"Are you okay Anna?" Elsa says sounding worried. "I'm fine Elsa... Just a bit nervous" I say and she gives me an apologetic smile.

Just then, the lady came back with two pieces of cloth in her hands. "You must not see your betrothed unless he is already face to face with you" she says and Elsa ties the blindfold over my eyes.

I hear footsteps which made me nervous. Elsa let me stand up and she said that I was now face to face with my betrothed. I was so nervous and I bit my lip to prevent myself from screeching.

I felt whoever's hot breathe on my face. Elsa removed the blindfold but told me to keep eyes closed.

Elsa and the lady then counted. "1..." I was slowly dying. "2...." Oh, Lord please help me! "3!" and I opened my eyes.

I can't believe what I see. It's the man I've always been thinking about. "Hiccup/Anna?" Both of us said at the same time.

"Wait.. so you guys know each other?" Elsa asked confused and we both nodded. "But how?" my future mother-in-law asked

"Long story short, I/he flew to Arrendelle when I/he was depressed and that's how I/he found her/me slumped on a tree, crying" We both said at the same time and burst out laughing.

"Wow.. So the wedding is in a month... So where will we be staying?" Elsa said after me and Hiccup were both sobered up.

"You will be staying in one of our cabins and The princess will have to get used to that" my F.M.I.L. says. "I can do that. I can adapt easily" I said boastfully. "We'll see about that" Hiccup says from behind me.

So we went to the cabin, which is okay for me. I'm not that princess who keeps everything perfect. I'm just worried about Elsa.

"Anna? Can I ask you something?" Elsa asks me. I respond by nodding and sitting next to her. "Well.. do you like him?" she asks me. Do I like him? "Well.. I guess. He's nice. He was the one who I think of every time that jerk passes by mind" I say obviously upset that I still have that *sshole in my mind.

"Oh... Sooo..." I left before she even continues to insult me. I was greeted by the joyful sound of laughter.

I saw kids running around with baby dragons. I walked around but I didn't seem to find my way. Just then I bump into someone. "Oh, sorry" I said and looked up to see that handsome man that I've always thought of seeing.

"Anna! What are you doing here?" he asked me. "Um.. I just wanted to see this place.. You know.. get to know it" I say and he smiled.

"Let me show you" he says and we walk together. He showed me everything. He also went to places and told me stories of him and his Dad. When he told me how his father saved him.. I almost collapsed on the ground because of the sad story.

Then we reach where he first found Toothless. It looked like an arena with a pond in the middle. My eyes immediately locked with those big green eyes with black pupils in the middle.

"Toothless!" I called out and ran to him. I hugged the creature and he placed his hand on my back. Wow, he's so smart. And cute.

"How are you big boy?" I ask now patting his enormous head. He then let out his tongue and his eyes grew wide.

"He missed you" Hiccup says from behind me. Toothless then cuddled next to my arm."Aww, you missed me?" I say and place a kiss on his forehead.

"Hey, wanna ride him?" Hiccup asked me while he got on Toothless. "Sure!" I say and he helped me onto Toothless.


Lol. Do you like it. Please let me know :) ok bye

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~ Lovelyangel1234

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