Chapter Eight

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(Anna's POV)

I wake up for the first time in forever in another place. Today was race day with that girl, Astrid. I don't call her awesome anymore. She doesn't deserve it.

I got out of my nightgown and into my favorite dress again. I fixed my hair into my daily hairstyle and put on my black boots.

I took a deep breathe and headed to the feeding station to see Swift.  When I reached the station. I saw Hiccup with a saddle in his hands.

"Hey hicc" I greeted him with a smile. "Hey, Anna" he says and smiles at me which wakes the butterflies in my stomach up. "I was just about to place this saddle on Swift" he says and I nod.

I went to Swift and greeted her. "Good morning Swift! We're gonna have another race today." I say and she smiles. "We'll just place a saddle on you. Okay?" I say and she loses her smile. "Aww c'mon. It's not that bad" I say and she just approves.

Me and Hicc place the saddle on her and secure everything. After that I place my hands on my hips sigh. "Okay. Now, you know how to control her right?" Hicc asks me and I nod.

"Anna!" I hear a feminine voice call. I looked to see Elsa running to me. "Elsa, what is it?" I ask her. "Well, the saddle doesn't suit her that much. Maybe I could help" she says and I hug her. "Oh thank you! thank you! thank you!" I say and squeeze her.

I let go of her and she does her thing. She turns the brown saddle into an icy shade of dark blue with light blue swirling patterns at the sides. "There" she says as she finishes.

"Wow, Elsa... It's beautiful. Thank you" I say and she giggles. "Anything for my sister" she responds. I looked at Swift to see that she was already smiling and kept on looking at the her saddle in awe. I laughed at her behavior.

"Cool" Hiccup then remarks as Elsa walks away. "Yeah. She's the best sister ever" I say and he smiles.

"So...I'm ready...Where are we gonna have the race?" I ask him. "Well, we start the race at the dragon training arena. All of them should be there by now" he informs me.

"Walk or fly?" I ask him. "I suggest fly" he said getting on Toothless. I ger on Swift and pat her head I hold onto the ropes that I use to drive her. I don't really need the ropes, me and Swift have some kind of telepathic communication.

Toothless and Hiccup were off and we follow. As we were on the way, I was able to take a look of Berk completely. It was not just a pile of rock, it held many people together.

As we land, I was so excited and I had no idea why. Me and Hiccup entered some kind of dome where the others were. I felt something behind me and looked to see Swift's head with scared eyes. "Don't be afraid Swift. It's just a race..." I say but she still stays in the same position.

As I entered, I immediately saw Astrid, who was conversing with Fishlegs. Weird name...

"Umm... guys" Hiccup said to get their attention. They all turned to us. "Hi Princess Anna" Fishlegs waves at me. "Call me Anna" I say smiling. Everyone greeted me, accept Astrid of course, but they didn't seem to notice Swift behind me.

"So, where's the princess's dragon? Hmm?" Astrid asks trying to insult me again. "Hey, I already told you, I'm not that princess" I say leaning a bit forward. Insult much?

"Oh, I'm so scared" she says making it much worse. "Astrid..." Hiccup warns her. "Fine...Now are you ready for your dragon race?" she asks boastfully.

And I used my signature quote "I was born ready!". "Oh, if you were born ready, where's the dragon?" she asks boastfully, AGAIN...

I look back at Swift and speak to her, telepathically. 'It's okay. We'll be together. We'll show em what we got, okay girl?' I say to her through my mind and she nods without a sign of fear in her eyes. I look back and see Astrid tapping her foot.

"Okay, if you're not going to show me first. I'm gonna go ahead. This is Stormfly" she says showing a light blue dragon with thorns at its head and tail. "Ready to show me yours?" she asks me with that same boastful tone.

I nod and look at Swift. She then nods in approval in whatever we were gonna do. "Okay...everyone meet my friend, Swift" I say and give way for everyone to see her. She lifts her head up and that gives everyone a view of how large she is.

I heard gasps and Fishlegs got all brainy. "It's a- a- a retriever! yes! They're known for-" Hiccup cut him off by placing a hand on his mouth. "Umm...I'd rather not let you spoil everything" Hiccup says and Fishlegs nods.

"So... let's start!" I say with determination clear in my voice. E everyone agrees. Astrid just chuckles but doesn't say anything else.

I got on Swift and Astrid got on Stormfly. "So it's just one round around the whole out line of Berk" Hiccup says and I nod.

"Ready..." I was crouching down and getting ready, so was Swift. "Set..." I squinted my eyes. "Go!!" And the both of us flew.

I flew and it felt awesome. We were just behind Stormfly and Astrid. "Woohoo! Let's go girl!" I say and she roars then uses her super speed.

In a matter of seconds... We flew past them. "We got em!" I shout and she roars once more. After about 30 seconds of turning and flying, me and Swift had reached the where we had started.

I land and saw everyone clapping. I got off of Swift and stood at her support for a few minutes to regain my balance. "That was fast" Hiccup says approaching me. "Uh...thanks. And with a help of a strong dragon" I say looking at Swift. She didn't even seem tired.

After a few minutes of waiting for Astrid, there was no sign of her. "Umm... guys... I'm gonna go check on Astrid" I say. Even though she may act like that to me, I still have a heart. Does that make sense?

"Anna, no I'll be the one to find her. You might-" I cut Hiccup off. "Hiccup, I'll be the one. Even though she may act like that towards me. I'll still treat her like a normal person" I say with a smile and get on Swift. Before he could even interject, I already flew up.

I looked all around. "Astrid, where are you!?" I shout. I then heard a feminine voice call "Help!". "Astrid..." I whisper and we flew to the source of the sound.


Everyday update! Haha, I'll try. Soo... Nothing else to say... so bye!

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