HULLO - the rewrite

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 hi so the rewrite of the book is up, the first chapter comes in a day or two. I hope you guys would enjoy it as much as you enjoyed this crappy piece of writing, or maybe even enjoy it more so! It's under the title Forced Commitments, check it out, a sort of prologue is up, and stay updated for the incoming chapters! Take note though! If you're very particular with how much I've stuck to the original accurately, then you might not like it. I've altered so much with the first chapter, it's almost brand new. Well, it is a rewrite, meaning I just retold the story in a much more mature, organized, and clear (but still kinda vague) way. I loved Hiccanna to death when I was eleven, and I just want to make up for it, now as a sixteen-year-old high school student. So yeah, this is for you, my readers who appreciated this work more than I did, and for my eleven-year-old self who is squirming and squealing inside me now.

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