chapter twelve

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waddup homslices, how are you guys?

i'm good. still thinking about pete's butt. he's got a really nice butt. 

side note this is a bit of a filler but i love mikeyxpetexpatrick so much and i just had to write it in like !!! so cute i stg. it has a little bit of plot though so dw


"gee? i know you can hear me, c'mon, you haven't talked to me in three days. i miss you." 

frank pouted at the camera, furrowing his eyebrows, too, and gerard thought that was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. "no." 

"please, please just- text me, or something! let me know you're okay," he sighed, pulling off his shirt to get ready for bed. "if you don't text me back by morning, i'm assuming you're gone."

"no, please," gerard whimpered, grazing his laptop screen with his fingers. 

this was his third day off work- the third day after what had happened. when employees had come in the next morning, they'd watched the tapes after they found mr kendall's half-dead body. gerard didn't know you could almost be killed from being stabbed in the stomach? 

so he'd pressed charges against his boss, (with the help of mikey and his boyfriends,) and now they were waiting for court. he was still so scared. 

"goodnight, gee. sleep tight." frank sniffled lightly, gazing into the camera, puzzled for a moment, before shrugging it off and closing his laptop.

"goodnight, frankie. i love you." 

the next morning, mikey and his boyfriends came over. patrick was looking after gerard while pete and mikey cleaned, and the dyed blond was getting pretty annoyed. speaking of dyed-

"do you wanna redo your hair?" patrick asked, smiling at him brightly. he was so cute. not as cute as frank. 

"er- yeah, okay," gerard flushed, glancing in the mirror to see the bird's nest that he called his hair. 

"i'll go get some stuff from the store then!" he grinned, grabbing his keys. after successfully pressing a kiss to both mikey and pete's foreheads, he left to the nearest supermarket for hair bleach. 

"i love our boyfriend."

"hey, i love our boyfriend too," mikey grumbled, and pete laughed, kissing him softly. 

"i love you, too, mikey." mikey smiled, pushing his hair out of his eyes. why couldn't frank say that to gerard? it's not that hard. he probably wouldn't have minded if frank said it and he was lying. 

"you okay, gee?" pete asked, when gerard pulled his bedsheets over his head. he grunted in reply, and turned on his phone. 

to; loml💖: i'm sorry
to; loml💖: i didn't mean to start loving you and i know that you don't feel the same way
to; loml💖: would you feel better if i stopped talking to you completely?

loml💖: jesus, gerard are you okay? what's going on?

to; loml💖: i'm with my brother and his boyfriends. i'm okay. do you want me to leave you alone?

 frank didn't reply for a while, but gerard had given up before he answered, turning his phone off completely and putting it into his bedside table drawer. frank wouldn't want him around, he was weird and creepy and ugly. the only person who'd ever thought he was actually good looking was the guy who tried to rape him.

loml💖:  no, of course not, gerard 
loml💖:  hello? 
loml💖:  don't leave me alone g  

"you okay?" pete asked, throwing an arm over gerard's shoulder when he stumbled out into the kitchen, wrapped in his blanket. 

"mm. i don't know. i think i'm in love," he replied, leaning his head on pete's shoulder.

"you what?" mikey asked, turning to him. "why was i not informed of this?" 

"because he doesn't even like me back. there's like, no point," gerard grumbled, and pete rolled his eyes. 

"i really doubt that, gerard. if you're in love with him then you've probably been talking to him and even that's something new for you-"

"i get it," gerard interrupted, shaking his head. "but i know that he doesn't, 'cause i told him i love him and he hasn't said it back. i said it like, four times!" 

"who is he?" mikey asked, putting the broom down to sit on gerard's other side. 

"a guy called frank. he lives in new jersey, in a band called pencey-"

"prep! frank iero? i know that guy! didn't know he was gay, though," pete said, and gerard looked up at him.


"yeah, i've done some stuff for his band a few times. they're nice dudes."

"not the rest of them, they're all homophobes and aren't gonna be in the band until frank get's over his gayness," gerard sighed, and the door opened, signalling patrick's return.

"heya, loves! oh, are we talking about serious stuff?" mikey nodded in reply and patrick dumped the plastic bag full of things on the counter in front of them. 

"luckily enough, i bought candy!" patrick grinned, and his boyfriends smiled at him lovingly. "here," he said, passing gerard a bag of skittles and sour patch kids. "there are also twinkies and red vines and some other stuff, i think."

"thanks, 'trick," gerard said, smiling at him softly. 

"gerard's in love," mikey explained to patrick, who nodded.

"frank iero, you remember him?"  pete asked, and patrick grinned and nodded.

"yeah! one of the nicest guys i've ever met, a really sweet person," patrick confirmed. frank was just as lovely in real life? how would gerard ever cope with meeting him? he sniffled, running a hand through his hair. 

 "see that, gee?" mikey ruffled his brother's hair. "he's a nice guy. wouldn't treat you bad or anything-"

"yeah, if we were in a relationship. you seem to forget that he doesn't love me?"

"maybe he does, but he's too scared to tell you. now, are we bleaching your hair, or what?"

"yeah, okay." gerard blushed silently, nodding to patrick.

"even if it doesn't work out, there will be others, gee," mikey reassured him, kissing the top of his head. gerard shrugged him off. 

"i don't want any others." 

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