chapter eighteen,

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happy 5k!! i'm so happy y'all like this story

also this is more of a filler, but it's just a lead-up to the next chapter, where things will happens :-) (good things? bad? who knows .. ) 


when frank woke again, he woke alone. he was a little tired of waking up without gerard, especially when they'd ended the night together. 

he stretched out under the soft, white sheets, scrunching his toes and sighing in content. it was hard to not fall back to sleep, but needed to get up, and check on where gerard was. he pulled the comforter around his shoulders and stood, trying to not slip on the bottom of the blanket, and waddled out of the bedroom; not before staring out the window at the view.

he pushed the door open, and the first thing he smelt was food. turning his head, he could see gerard in the kitchen, and mikey sitting at the island, along with his two boyfriends. 

"good morning," patrick said to him, smiling brightly, and frank smiled back, walking to gerard and  wrapping his arms around the taller man's waist, so this his chest was against gerard's back, resting his head on his shoulder. 

"good morning," frank murmured, pressing a kiss to the back of gerard's head.

"morning," gerard replied, turning his head slightly so that he could see frank. the two shared a smile, and patrick started "aw"-ing at them, soon joined by pete. mikey's blank facade was unchanged, but a hint of a smile was on his lips, so frank knew he was happy. 

"i bet they fucked last night," pete whispered to mikey, who giggled. frank was shocked at the sound, but chose to not look at him, and continued to press kisses along gerard's shoulder. he assumed mikey wasn't good around people, and that's why he was so blank around frank- hopefully he opened up soon. 

"what're we doing today?" he asked, moving with gerard as the taller man moved around the kitchen, almost fluidly. he watched over gerard's shoulder as he began to put waffles on plates, and then slide those plates in front of the three hungry looking men at the island. pete instantly enveloped his in syrup and whipped cream. 

"well, i- er- have to go into my old work, to sign some stuff," gerard said, turning around to face frank. he slid his arms around frank's waist, and kissed his lips gently.

"get a room," pete whined, and mikey smacked his arm.

"it's my house, rat," gerard sassed, and pete grinned at him. "anyway, er, if you want to stay here you can, or you can go around the city, or, er- you can come with me-"

"oh, yeah, i'm coming with you," frank nodded, and gerard smiled at him, rolling his eyes. "it's gonna be so fun! i'm really excited," he was almost bouncing, and gerard smiled wider. 

"that's so cute," patrick sighed, resting his chin in his palm, and staring at them happily. 

"nevermind, i don't think they've had sex," pete said to them, his mouth full of sugar. 

"can we stop talking about my brother having sex?" mikey flicked pete's nose, and pete smiled at him, kissing the side of his head. 

"right, sorry." 

frank was laughing at them, and gerard kissed his forehead. "you eat, i'm gonna get changed, okay? i need to wear something nice," gerard said to him, and frank nodded. "i love you."

"i love you too," frank kissed the corner of his mouth, and gerard was trying to hide his beaming smile as he scuttled into his bedroom.

"have you guys had sex yet?" pete asked frank, who began to giggle. 

"pete!" patrick hissed, swiping at his arm. 

"seriously, have you? i bet gerard topped-"

"peter lewis kingston wentz the fucking third, shut the fuck up about my brother having sex," mikey said, weirdly calm. it was scary- to frank, at least. he stopped giggling. 

"i'm not answering that question,"  frank replied quietly, and mikey nodded to him in thanks. 

"so, how did you and gerard meet?" patrick asked him, smiling sweetly. 

"i thought you already knew?" frank said, his face burning. 

"oh, we do. i just want to know your story," patrick said, sliding his plate to pete without looking away from frank. pete began to eat his leftovers. 

"oh, well, gerard- uh- watched-"

"okay, we're done, that's it, shush," gerard stormed back into the room, grabbing frank by the wrist, and pulling him away, back into gerard's bedroom. "sorry about them," gerard groaned, and frank sat on his bed, scanning him up and down.

"i like the suit," frank nodded, grabbing gerard's tie, and pulling him down for a kiss. when frank's tongue slipped out and brushed along gerard's lip, gerard pushed frank down onto the bed.

"i need to change," gerard said, grinning stupidly. 

"why don't you just change out of your clothes?" frank winked, and gerard laughed, pulling him up for another kiss, before pushing him towards the closet. 

"you get changed, too," he said quietly, sliding his fingers down frank's bare back, and frank sighed, leaning down to rummage through his bag. gerard slid his hand over the curve of frank's butt, and frank squeaked, falling forwards. 

"oh- er- fuck, sorry!" gerard almost squealed, pulling him up off of the floor. frank was laughing at him now, holding onto his shoulders. 

"you're such a dork," frank replied through his laughter, resting his forehead on gerard's. he pulled away, still laughing and slid a plain white, long sleeved shirt over his head, before turning to pull out some skinny jeans. "for that, i'm borrowing a jacket," frank nodded, bouncing as he pulled up his skinny jeans. 

gerard shrugged, pulling the closet open. "you can wear whatever you want," he said, and frank took his black and red striped shirt, pulling that on, and then a grey zip-up sweatshirt. 

"okay, let's go back to your old work and sign some stuff!" 

"you're too enthusiastic about this." 

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