chapter twenty-six,

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this story will slowly but surely come to an end soon, and i'm sad to see it go. it's been a favorite and it's definitely help improve my writing skills- but on to bigger and better things! by the time this has been published, the first chapter of my new killjoy fic will be up- it's called tumbleweed and i'm actually kinda proud of it? like the plot and all that jazz has me proud of myself lmao. there's also a vampire au coming soon- so look out for that. 

also ! i've entered this fic into the 2018 watty's !! i've never done anything like this before and i honestly don't care if i win anything or not, it's just for a bit of fun :-) thank you all for reading once again ! 


gerard gripped the edge of the kitchen island, his head spinning lightly as he tried to refocus himself. he remembered what frank wad taught him- about grounding. the whole "five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can-" whatever. he honestly thought it was bullshit though, as he would attempt to ground himself, but it wouldn't work.

he slid onto he floor, the cool tile under his butt, soothing him. he sighed, leaning his head back and shaking it in an attempt to clear it. "fuck," he whispered, blinking the spots from behind his eyes away. 

"babe? why're you on the floor?" frank asked, and gerard shook his head, unable to speak. "oh," frank said, before sitting down beside him. "what happened?"

"bang," gerard whispered, and frank nodded. 

his ptsd was getting worse- or, it was not going away, at least. 

frank was terrified for his boyfriend, but gerard refused to go to anyone that would be able to help him, so they couldn't do anything about it. frank allowed gerard to cuddle into his shoulder and he shivered lightly from the cool tile, before noticing how hot gerard was.

"gee? i think you're getting sick," frank frowned, placing his hand on gerard's forehead. gerard rolled his eyes. 

"i never get sick," he shrugged nonchalantly, and frank rolled his eyes right back. 

"you're sick, babe-"

"shut it, tiny," he replied, grinning. frank stood and hauled the other man to his feet, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before pulling him by the wrist to their bedroom. 

he threw gerard's sweatpants at said man, and found an adidas hoodie in the closet and tossed that over, too. 

"get in bed, gee. don't fight me on this," frank stared him down, and gerard huffed, throwing off his pants and pulling the sweats on. 

"you're lucky i love you, boy," gerard called to him and frank left the room, moving into the kitchen to make them both lunch. frank giggled, shaking his head at his boyfriend. 

when he returned to the room with two peanut-butter sandwiches, he smiled as he watched gerard sniffle, before wiping at his nose with his sleeve, while looking for something to watch on netflix. frank padded over to the bed and watched as gerard selected shameless- a favorite for the both of them- and he handed gerard his sandwich. 

"i love you," frank reminded gerard, who was still embarrassed about his anxiety attack. gerard grinned. 

"i love you too," gerard replied, the two cuddling into one-another. 

the next day gerard's fever was worse, and frank left him in bed as he did simple housework- cleaning and reorganizing things- but someone buzzed gerard's speaker. 

"er- hi. i'm- um- i don't know if this is gerard's place- gerard way? it's jamia, we met while we were on the feild, i-" 

frank didn't notice gerard had sprung out of bed and ran to the speaker before the man spoke, "hey, damn, yeah, i'm buzzing you up," he replied, smiling widely. 

"who was that? and- babe, you're not wearing pants," frank reminded the sick man as he went to open the front door, watching amused as gerard spun and ran back to the bedroom, rapidly tugging on his sweatpants. 

jamia- why hadn't frank heard of her? frank frowned, drying the dishes and putting them away carefully as he heard the front door open. he felt his hands become clammy- they were on "the field" together? that must've meant they met while gerard was working for the government, frank shivered, he didn't even want to think about-

"wow, he's even better looking than in the photo," jamia commented, and frank squeaked, his eyes snapping open. 

he took in the sight of her- she was quite pretty, and frank smiled timidly. she didn't seem like the person who would've been in the army. "hi," he said, almost sighing in relief when gerard appeared in his view.

"yeah, he's wonderful. frankie, this is jamia, we met while i was in afghanistan. jamia, well, you already know who this is," gerard smiled bashfully, and frank ducked his head, blushing. 

"sorry to barge in- it's so clear that you're sick, gerard, i just wanted to make sure you're doing alright?" she asked, and gerard lead her to the living room where they began to talk about his ptsd. frank smiled at gerard finally having a friend that wasn't his brother or one of his brother's boyfriends. 

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