Him and Me- Thirty Four.

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I stood in front of my full-length mirror as I rubbed my hands against my black jeans. It was Saturday night, the night of mine and Kyle’s first date. At that thought, my hands felt clammy, and I rubbed them faster on my pants. Was I supposed to feel like this? All nervous and anxious?

It wasn’t like I had never dated before. I had gone out a couple of times. Okay, so maybe they were all group dates… but it shouldn’t feel like this, right? I felt like all the water from my body was being forced out my palms. That was exaggerated, but you get the picture. Plus, I had already went out with Kyle once. Kinda. I remembered that time when we were supposed to meet Carl and Eliza in that cute, little café.

My hair was up in a high ponytail, making a few strands wisp around the sides of my face. My face was bare, except for the thin coating of lip gloss and the light blush that I had applied to color my cheeks. I was in my dark denims and a silvery grey sleeveless top, paired with my black ballet flats which I found stuffed in the back of my closet. I puffed my cheeks and let the air out, willing myself to calm down.  

Grabbing my small bag from my desk, I slung it over my shoulder and with a final glance at the mirror, I turned and was out my bedroom door. My mom wasn’t home tonight, she had some over time work at the museum. Matty was back in college, which I was actually a bit grateful for this moment. I would be more anxious had Matty been here, and it would definitely be awkward and embarrassing.

So, that left me to wait for Kyle. Based on my watch, I was fifteen minutes early. I guess Kyle would appreciate that. Plopping down on the couch, I set my bag beside me as I stared at the carpeted floor. Just then, the doorbell rang, sending my heart into a frenzy. Sighing, I stood up, took a deep breath, and fought the urge to bang my head against the wall before walking to the front door. 

Once I had reached it I paused, biting my lip. My hand was outstretched, ready to twist the knob to open the door, but I was somewhat hesitating. Groaning internally, I almost knocked my forehead with my knuckle. Get a grip, Kayla! You could not act like a freak right now.

Nodding once, I wrapped my hand around the knob and pulled open the door, a small smile on my face. It instantly vanished and I felt my heart sped up even more as green eyes met my grey ones.

Colby tilted his head to one side as his eyes left mine and began to take on my outfit. Suddenly feeling self conscious, I crossed my arms over my chest. I managed to put on a nonchalant expression, but I briefly wondered if Colby could hear my heart. It was like there was a horse galloping inside of me.

“Going somewhere?” He asked, one corner of his mouth lifting up.

“Y-yeah,” I stuttered, then cursed quietly. Why was I stuttering? Taking a deep breath, I willed my heart to stop beating so fast, before adding, “I am.”

Colby’s eyebrows shot up, and he feigned a hurt expression as his hands clutched his chest. “And I am not invited?”

I rolled my eyes. “Stop being so dramatic.”

He dropped his hands, his lips now sporting a full-blown smile which made him look so handsome. I gulped subtly and averted my eyes, pretending to pick at a lint on my shirt.

“Well,” Colby drawled out as he leaned against the doorframe, “maybe I could keep you company?”

I froze, my eyes widening. There was absolutely no freaking way that he could keep me company. My fists clenched and unclenched, wondering how I was going to get out of this one. I had not told Colby that I said yes to Kyle. After all, he didn’t tell me about Lisa, either. With that thought, irritation rippled inside of me.

After I had said yes to Kyle, he hugged me as he laughed happily. I hugged him back and found myself smiling a little. Though it did feel nice to be wrapped up in Kyle’s arms, I couldn’t help but glance towards Colby’s and Lisa’s direction, but my eyes met nothing but the hallway. My smile faltered, and my arms almost dropped to my sides. There was an invisible weight that seemed to be pushing down on me, and I suddenly felt claustrophobic. I pulled away from the hug gently and just offered him a small smile. He was still beaming, not noticing my abrupt awkwardness.

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