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Taehyung ran all the way to Jungkook's house so he could comfort the younger. He ran so fast and was going over the speed but he finally made it.

It hurt him really bad knowing his 'friend' or whatever they are crying or sad. All he wanted to do was hug the younger until he felt better. He ran to the door knocking frantic waiting what seemed like forever until he saw the puffy eyes Jungkook who stands in front of him.

"K-Kookie....come here." He quickly pulled Jungkook towards him by grabbing his arm which releases a squeak from kookie.

"I h-hate that i'm so fragile." He whimpers in Taehyung's neck breathing is a bit shaky as his hyung squeezes him.

"I know baby....I'm here now." He caresses the younger's neck as they stand in the door way for a little bit before Jungkook decides to bring him inside so that the neighbors don't see him cry.

"Please let me explain everything and stop crying." Tae wipes the tears from under Jungkook's eyes bringing him into another hug as they both walk towards the couch.

"I know that we have been flirting and even had sex and were not in a relationship but i still like you." Jungkook was the first to talk as he sat on his couch soon followed by Tae.

"You l-like me?" Taehyung knew by now what the younger felt but it still left him in shock I mean how would you feel if your crush confessed.

"Yes dumbass even though I like you I still can't date you, you know because of your career."

"I know this is hard for you to go through and it sucks that I have to be the one who makes you go through this but you need to know how much I love and care for you."

"I know but please answer my one question." Jungkook quickly wiped the one stray tear on his cheek quickly stopped by Tae who was the one to dry his eyes.

"What baby?" Jungkook's heart dropped out of his chest right when Tae said that pet name.

"Please promise me that we will be official one day." He knew that was going to be way too much to ask for but he had to at least ask.

"What if we make it a game?" The younger was curious by his words. What could he mean by game.

"A game?" Tae giggled at the cute face his baby made which made Tae collapse into his arms pulling at his waist so he could sit on Tae's lap letting the younger lay his head on his chest.

"Yes like we post hints on instagram" Tae's suggestion was a weird one but it could take his mind off of not being able to be open in public. Maybe if they can be 'open' online then they could warm their friends up to them dating.

"Uh sure. But how would we?" Jungkook was still so confused and he had a really cute face when he was confused.

"We won't tell anyone or show your face and it will be a little game like we know about us but to them it would be a mystery." This could be fun I guess i wonder if anyone will get it right away though.

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