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Jin was set to call Namjoon and ask if their dating. Jin would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. His heart was about to beat out of his chest. He picked up his phone a dialed the number.

"Hey Jinnie." Jin giggles at the nickname then Tae gets close to Jin to hear Namjoon speak.

"I have a quick question to ask you." Jin's voice was a bit shaky and Namjoon was getting worried.

"You can ask me anything." Namjoon was scared that Jin was going to take his feelings back.

"What are we?" Jin just spit it out.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon was utterly confused.

"Are we dating or was that a one time thing." Jin's thoughts just set it that Namjoon could have just been using him.

"Oh....uh." Jin could hear something in the background fall over which received a giggle from both Jin and Tae.
"I was thinking the same thing because I do really like you but I don't want things between us to be like Jungkook and Taehyung you know." All Tae did was slowly back away he didn't even want to make eye contact with Jin. The one thing Tae didn't want was for another relationship to get ruined by something Tae did.

Tae went home without saying goodbye or hearing what Namjoon had to say he just left.

He got home and threw his body on the couch.
"Rough day?" His dad walked into the room beer in hand.
"Yeah I guess you could say so." Tae leaned back and rested his legs on the coffee table.
"Anything to talk about?" His dad opened the can.
"Okay good." As soon as Tae giggled from his dad he got a knock at the door which in ran Tae's mother.

"I got it." She smiled at the two knowing they would be too lazy so she opened it.

"Ah Jungkook it's nice to see you again." She spoke which made Tae jump off the couch running to the door to spot Jungkook standing there.
"Yeah hi uh I didn't know Tae would be here." He looked down for a quick second then back up at them.

"Why did you come here." Ms. Kim crossed her arms confused.
"For you to give Tae this." Jungkook extended his arm to hand her a letter.
"I need to go." By now tears were staring to well up in the younger's eyes and he didn't have the heart to see him read it so he just left.

His mom shut the door walking away kinda knowing what the note would say. Tae stood there in shock at first but then walked back into the living room to read it.

Dear Tae
I really love you like you have no idea but don't you think this game is stupid. I mean our friends know it's me. Also you need to choose. Me or your career because it's obvious you would rather have a good paying job then the love of your life. I can't handle knowing that when I'm sad at school I can't go up and hug and kiss you. So this is it. I know you would choose singing with the rest of the group so I made the decision for you. We're done. No need to text or call I'll see you at school tomorrow.
Love Kookie (I will always love you.)

All Tae could do through tears was set the note down and walk to his room. Right when the door shut he burst out into tears fighting for breath as he just sat there alone with no one. In this situation he would call Jungkook but he knew he wouldn't answer.

Jungkook wasn't happy either he had to tell the love of is life that he had a choice. It was a hard choice but he needed to do it sometime. When he got home his dad was done making dinner and called over Jungkook to eat and he did and he didn't hide his tears either.

"What wrong Kookie?" He dad was concerned.
"You know that guy I was telling you about the one who can't tell anyone we're dating because he would ruin his career.....yeah I had to break up with him." Jungkook had always been honest with his dad.
"You really love him don't you." His dad narrowed his eyes.
"Of course he's the love of my life it's just he cares way too much about what his friends think." Just then his phone starts to ring.

"Is it him. If so you need to take it." His dad was right he can't keep ignoring him.

Jungkook nods standing up and walking into the hallway.
"Tae." Jungkook answered.
"Thank god you answered baby because I choose you..."

Okay this story was suppose to be a cute non plot story but this has gotten intense and I'm not complaining.

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