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"We should do this again sometime." Jungkook smiled as they stood outside his front door.
"Yes we should." Just as Tae was about to kiss Jungkook the front door opened revealing Jungkook's dad.

"Ah you're home." His dad announced.
"It was nice seeing you Taehyung." Jungkook waves goodbye as they both went into the house not even getting the chance to say goodbye.

Taehyung just turned around and walked back to his car.

Meanwhile inside Jungkook shared and awkward silence with his dad.
"So..." Jungkook kicked his feet.

"I found this." He held out his hand to show Jungkook's phone.
"Oops I guess I forgot to bring it my bad." He tried to reach for the phone but I was quickly yanked away.

"Not so fast." His dad made eye contact with his now very confused son.
"I didn't mean to snoop on you but I saw the texts between you and Tae and I'm disappointed." Jungkook's heart stopped right then and there.

"I-I'm sorry it was all just a joke." He tried to defend himself as he tried reaching for the phone again.

"Listen maybe it's good if you and Tae don't talk for a while."
"what!?! No dad what the hell." Just then his dad left the room setting the phone down on a table.

"Make sure to tell Tae you guys are taking a break." Jungkook was left in so much shock.
"What happened to you being the cool dad!" He yelled over in the spot his dad was last seen.

"That was before I figured out what kind of guy he is." His dad reappeared in the living room.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook has never had these emotions of betrayal from his dad but he was now.

"Don't you see Kookie he is just using you. I just want what's best for you."
"You're wrong and I'm leaving." Jungkook grabbed his coat rushing out the door with his phone in hand grabbing the charger on the way out.

"Fuck." Jungkook couldn't stop the tears of hurt he felt towards his dad. How could a guy go from loving his son and his boyfriend to wanting them broken up.

All Jungkook did was begin the long walk. He didn't know where he was going he just knew he wanted out. Out of the life he thought loved him back. Maybe his dad was right or just maybe his dad tricked him. He didn't know for sure.

He grabbed his phone to call someone. Anyone. He didn't choose Taehyung tho he went for Jin to help.

"Jungkook, hey what's wrong?" Jin knew something was wrong due to the fact it was late.
"Uh well my dad saw something on my phone he didn't like so he wants me to brake up with Tae." Just saying those words out loud brought tears to his eyes.
"Aw Kookie where are you?" Jin was getting up ready to pick him up.
"Uh I don't know I think the park by the school." He looked around for a sign or anything.
"Okay stay there I'm on my way."

They ended the call and Jungkook took a seat at one of the benches to think.
'This night went from a great night with my boyfriend to now I don't want to go home to a dad who doesn't support my relationship.' This only brought more tears to his eyes to the point where they were rolling down his face.

Some time passed and the wind got colder. Jungkook glances down at his phone for the time. '1:30 am' it's been 5 minutes since he hung up with Jin so he should be rolling up any time soon.
"Jungkook." He turned his head to see Jin running up behind him.

"Jin Hyung." Jungkook quickly stood up running into Jin's arms for a hug.
"He thinks Tae's using me." Jungkook chocked out.
"My d-dad." The tears were now fully flowing at their hardest. Streaming down his perfectly clear skin.

"Let's get you somewhere warm." Jin could feel his small body shaking so he helped him walk over to his car.

Once they went to Jin's house is when Jungkook finally relaxed.

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