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"---So I know I must be an idiot because somewhere I fucked things up." I finished telling him about me and Jungkook to the point class was almost over and the girls were acting like I stole their boyfriend.
"Sometimes boys are complicated more then girls sometime so what you should do is talk to him in person, oh you know what. This feeling is exactly...." He starts to flip threw the script a little.
"For him Christian Berks his character is going through this just with a girl so how about you put these feelings into this character and I 100% believe you will rock this part." He was right, acting is all about pouring feelings into the character.

"You know what Mr. Mersho I think you're right, about talking to Jungkook along with putting my feelings into this character so thank you."
"You're welcome." Right then the bell rang and i didn't even memorize any of the lines.

I walk out of the class finally looking down at the text I got from Jimin earlier.

'Hey Tae, I don't want you to be mad or anything but me and Jungkook after school before practice are going to do a singing lesson so if you want to help Jungkook try to sing then join us I could use your help.'

I sigh putting my phone away. I could go and help so that i could get a chance to talk with Jungkook but is it to early.

I thought about going all day and then I notice it was the end of the day already. I wondered the halls before practice not waiting in the locker room with the other boys. I walk closer to the practice room when I start to hear someone sing. I'm guessing it was Jimin but when I got closer I noticed it wasn't his voice. This voice was good, like really good. I didn't notice but I was walking towards the voice in which now I found familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I got to the door which was open I peeked in catching Jimin's eye as he starts his part. It was a duet between Jungkook and Jimin and they made the perfect pairing. Jimin smiled as he sang the perfect notes looking at Jungkook who looked happy. He looked as if he wasn't heart broken. Did he not like me I mean that smile towards Jimin was so happy.

The song ended and I sat there for a second to see what they would say.

"You know what Jungkook you really surprised me I didn't expect you to be so good." They both sat down their mics on the table next to their water bottles.
"well I use to sing all the time but then just stopped I don't know. Now that I have time since the whole thing with Taehyung I have time to do the things I like." He watched as he drank some water and honestly he looked so hot doing so.

"Yeah uh about Taehyung, you know hes heart broken right? I know he might not show it but I can see how bad hes hurting." No Jimin why did you have to talk about me.
"I know I'm heart broken to I didn't want to break up with him but honestly he needs someone better someone hes not afraid to date in public." He grabbed his bag I looked down the hall to see the other boys walking towards me.

I quickly hid as I watch Jungkook exit the practice room, I hid and watch as he wipes sweat from his forehead leaning against the wall the text someone of what I could assume was his dad. I don't know what to do now do I talk to him or not. Just then a ray of light came in aka Mr. Mersho. I stand up running towards him who was past Jungkook.

"Hey Mr. Mersho can you maybe run lines with me." He glances over my shoulder knowing it was Jungkook.
"Hey if you talk to him." He points over to Jungkook who when I look over my shoulder Jungkook quickly looks down.
"Really? I have to right now?" I look back over to look at Mr. Mersho.

"I'll be in my class." He walks away making me huff throwing my arms down knowing I would eventually have to talk to him.

I turn around matching Jungkook's glance not moving as I watch him put him phone in his pocket.
"Uh....Hey." I walkover a little not wanted to get to close.
"Hi Tae what do you want." He crosses his arms which I honestly deserved the cold shoulder.

"You have a good voice." I said shyly knowing that I admitted listening to him.
"Uh you listened?" I saw a small blush brush on his cheeks.
"Yeah I think you are so good." I smile now a blush spreading on my cheeks.
"You know I miss you like a lot and I sometimes can't sleep knowing I can't call you when I want or text you. I just want you to know." Just then as I'm pouring my heart out someone walks our of the practice room.

"Kim fucking Taehyung what the fuck man we have been waiting!" Yoongi was peeping his head out of the door.
"You know what Yoongi hyung Jungkook can be in my spot today hes good and it's obvious I should just stick to acting because hes better anyway." I didn't truly want to quit but right now Jungkook was getting on my nerves a little.

I didn't wait for anyone to respond because I walked away to Mr. Mersho's room.

I just want to talk to Jungkook alone!

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