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"So why didn't you call Taehyung?" Jin set down a cup of tea in front of Jungkook who had a blanket securely wrapped around his small figure.

"Well after what my dad said a small part of me believed him." Jungkook reached for the cup of tea and took a small sip of the hot liquid.

"You know it's not true." Jin sat down right next to Jungkook who felt the warm liquid travel down heating him up.

"I know I'm dumb and now I regret it." Tears started to pool in the youngest's eyes for the thousandth time that night.

"You're not dumb... here why not call him now." Jin reaches around for his phone which was on the table behind them.

"No!" He quickly pushed the phone away.
"Why not?" Jin's face turned to the terrified face of the young boy shaking next to him.

"He's going to be pissed knowing I called you instead of him." Jungkook looked down at his feet which were covered by the blanket.

"Why did you call me instead?" He turned his body so he was facing Jungkook.

"Because I know that you know about our relationship and I know about you and Namjoon I guess everyone else would just say 'I told you so' 'you like Tae' I just couldn't handle them right now." He leaned back onto the back of the couch getting comfy.

"Well trust me if you call Tae now he won't be mad I promise." Jin insisted but Jungkook once again refused looking over at the big digital clock on the wall which read 3 am.

"Listen we should go to bed it's late and we have school tomorrow." Jungkook fixed his gaze onto the clock feeling the weight of the couch change once Jin leaves.

'You're okay.' He tells himself laying his small body on the couch.

"Jungkook do you need to borrow clothes or do you want me to swing you by home." Jin walked into the living room brushing his hair to be perfectly styled.

"Uh can I just borrow yours I kinda don't want to go home right now." He rubes his eyes standing up following Jin into his bedroom.

On one of the walls Jungkook notices pictures of him and Namjoon having fun. Ice skating, going out to eat. They looked happy really happy.

"Here you go." Jin whipped around holding some clothes until he noticed what Jungkook's looking at.

"Oh uh thanks." Jungkook quickly grabs the clothes running off into the bathroom.

Jin wanted to call Tae himself so bad but he knew coming from him it would sound bad and he didn't want to tell Tae behind Jungkook's back.

Jin drove Jungkook to school they walked in to spot Namjoon right away.

"Bye Jungkook I will see you at lunch okay." Jin waves goodbye before talking with Namjoon about relationship stuff.

"Kookie Wait up." This was the one person Jungkook was trying to avoid Tae.

"Kookie why are you ignoring me?" Tae tried to catch up to Jungkook and when he finally did he pushed him into the closest boy's bathroom.

"Jungkook what did I do!?" Tae yelled until he saw a scared freshman run out.

"You did nothing." Jungkook pushed Tae so he could stop pinning him against the wall.

"Then why were you with Jin this morning and you didn't answer my calls or respond to my texts.... Kookie you're scaring me." Tae's eyes were now brimming with tears.

"Look maybe we should take a break." Jungkook walked past Tae turning on the water to wash his hands.

"What do you mean take a break." Tears were now streaming down Tae's face, Jungkook pushing past him to get a towel and dry his hands.

"Like break up Tae don't you get it." Jungkook threw the towel away storming out of the bathroom down to his class.

Tae stood shocked even more when he heard a bathroom stall door open yet he didn't dare to look at the person who heard all of that. He looked down until the familiar shoes stood him front of him. He then looked up to see Hoseok standing there.

"T-Tae." Hoseok's words made Tae quickly look back down at his feet.
"Hoseok." Tae spoke threw his tears.

Nothing else was said just silence until Tae felt a body hugging him.
"I'm sorry." He spoke Tae then finally hugged Hoseok back.

They stayed like that for a long while until the bell rang by this point Tae's tears were long gone.

"Thank you." Tae smiled seeing the bright smile from the always happy Hoseok.

Tae left not worrying about Hoseok knowing about Jungkook and his relationship because there wasn't one. Well not anymore.

Tae still had no idea why Jungkook would break up with him but luckily for him they shared the same math class.

Tae entered to see Jungkook working on some late homework. Tae was about to walk up to him right when he was about to tho the teacher walked in holding papers

"Ah Taehyung since you're standing why don't you go to the office and give them these for me." She handed Tae a stack of paperwork making him internally roll his eyes.

Jungkook didn't even look up he continued to work like nothing happened.

What Tae didn't know tho was that Jungkook was dying on the inside. He hated not being able to talk to Tae like his boyfriend. It was all Jungkook's fault but a small part of him still believed his dad so he had to do the right thing.

'I have to take my dads advice, I mean he is my dad and he's knows what's best for me.' Jungkook set down his pencil as soon as the teacher began her lesson.

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