Chapter 5

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Jessie's P.O.V

That night the 3 of us layed in our beds (we had 3 seperate ones) and watched Frozen. Libbie and Casie started screaming/singing Let It Go and For the First Time in Forever when we heard a knock on the door. At first we all freaked out because we thought that one of our neighbors had called security.

Cameron's P.O.V

We waited outside for about 2 minutes before Casie came to the door. As she opened it we saw a relieved look on her face.

"Oh, it's only you guys," she said, "you scared the shit out of us". Matt, Nash, and I laughed.

Casie invited us in and as we walked through the door Nash kissed Casie on the cheek and Matt said,"The gangs all here". I sat on Jessie's bed hoping she would let me scoot closer, she did, I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my chest. I think I was beginning to develop feelings for her. I wonder if she feels the same. I looked over at Matt sitting on Libbie's bed, they were whispering about who knows what, and Nash sitting on Casie's bed.

"So what are we watching?" Nash said.

"Frozen", Jessie responded.

We all ended up falling asleep by the time the movie was over, Casie in Nash's arms, Libbie in Matt's, and Jessie in mine.

[ the next morning]

We didn't realize that we had accidentally stayed the night in the girls hotel room. When we all woke up in the morning it was a shock. We didn't mind though, and apparently our security guards didn't either.

We all decided to go to Denny's for breakfast. We took Jessie's rental car and let Casie drive.

As we drove we had Casie, Nash, and Matt in the front seat and and Jessie, Libbie, and I in the back. It wasn't the most romantic scene to tell Jessie that I liked her, everyone else was to busy rocking out to Summer by Calvin Harris to pay any attention to me and Jessie. The two of us were the only ones not dancing to the music we pretty much just tuned it out. I had my arm around her and I put my face right next to hers and I whispered in her ear, "When we get to Denny's come to the back with me we need to talk."

When we got to the place we all piled out of the car and into the building Jessie and I both said we had to go to the bathroom. We walked to the back together and I said, "I know that I have only known you for about a day, but I really like you, and I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend?"

She was surprised at first, but the expression on her face turned from surprised to excited in an instant. "Yes, Cameron, I would gladly be your girlfriend," she answered with the biggest smile on her face. I love her smile. She kissed me right there even as an old lady with a cane walked by and hit me on the back of the leg with her cane. We just laughed.

As we walked back out to the table we decided not to tell our friends until we thought the time was right. We ordered our food and then went back to the hotel and stayed there for the rest of the day watching Netflix and hanging out, because the next day we had another Meet and Greet.

All that time Jessie and I had to hide every time we wanted to kiss, and we hid our hands under the bed covers to keep us holding hands a secret. Damn secret relationships are harder than they seem.

Libbie's P.O.V

Yea, so lets take a quick rewind to when Matt and I were whispering on the bed last night, your probably wondering what we were whispering about. Well long story short, he told me how he felt about me, asked me to be he girlfriend and, of course, I said yes. we decided we were going to tell the rest of the group the day after we went to Denny's.



awwwww 2 couples in one chapter.

Comment #matbie or #jameron.

Thanks so much for reading and go follow @sterekloverforeva398 if you like Teen wolf and are a Stydia shipper.

Love you my Chicken Nuggets!!!!

~ Nikki

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