Chapter 21

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Jessie's POV

"Wow," I stared at the building in awe. It was at least 7 stories high, when we walked in it was even bigger. Chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling and there was a bunch of table decorated with different Halloween stuff and martinis that looked really good, but I couldn't drink them so I asked Cameron if he could drink one for me. He did. I made my way to the dance floor and my favorite song was on, You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC. I am really into classic rock because I started watching this new TV show, and yea you probably don't care.

Anyway Matt got pretty drunk and Libbie and him went upstairs where a lot of other people were heading. No paparazzi was allowed in the party so we didn't have to worry about making front page news if anything did happen.

After about 4 hours Cameron was still sober, and even though there was alcohol everywhere neither of us touched it. Cameron, Me, and the rest of us decided to head home and Taylor let us take his limo. Before we left I hugged Dillon and left. When I hugged him something weird happened, he whispered something in my ear but I couldn't quite hear it over the loud music.

When we got home I crashed, I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt and climbed into bed and went to sleep. It had been a long night.

Sorry for the short chapter. I haven't really had time its been test after test for me.


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