Chapter 12

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Cameron's P.O.V

*2 Days Later*

My flight was coming into LA from Dallas today and I was so excited to see Jessie. When we walked out of the turminal we saw Libbie and Casie holding a sign that said "WELCOME HOME NASH AND MATT!!!!!!' I didn't see Jessie and my heart sunk. Then I saw her come up from behind them, but she was on crutches and had a cast on her leg. But, she had a sign leaning up against her legs that said, "Cam Welcome Home I Love You and I Missed You!! <3"

I ran up to her and dropped my suitcase. I gave her a huge hug trying not to hurt her. "What the hell happened?" I asked.

"Libbie and I got attacked by some fans," she replied.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea, I think so," she winced as I let go of her.


(Back at the Hotel)

We were in our hotel Jessie laid on the bed and fell asleep. And Casie pulled me aside away from Libbie, Matt, Nash, and the rest of the guys.

"Whats she told you isn't true," Casie said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked not knowing what she was telling me.

"Libbie and Jessie," she said, "They weren't attacked by fans."

" No, she wouldn't lie to me," I didn't believe her.

"Their dad, he came back, and he hurt them bad," she told me. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"What did-- What did he do?" I asked though I was scared to know.

"What the police told me was that when they exmined the scene they found a dent on the bedside table where Libbie hit her arm and there was a piece of wood and they matched it to a baseball bat found on the floor," she said,"Just please don't tell her I told you."

I didn't know what to say I walked away from Casie and sat down on the couch. I needed to talk to Jessie. I guess I would have to wait until she woke up then.


(The Next Day)

Jessie's POV

I woke up and I saw Cam asleep on the couch and Nash, Casie, Matt and the rest of the guys asleep on the floor and Libbie was sleeping in the bed next to me. I grabbed my crutches and walked over to Cam I sat down next to him I shooke him a little and he woke up. When he opened his eyes they were bloodshot and red. "Good morning, gorgeous," he said. I kissed him.

"We need to talk," he said.

"About what," I replied.

"Why, didn't you tell me what really happened to you and Libbie while I was in Dallas?" he asked disappointed.

"Because I knew you would want to protect me!!" I yelled not caring about the other people sleeping, they were all really deep sleepers especially Libbie.

"I would protect you because your my girlfriend and I love you," he replied.

"Well can you at least tell me who told you??" I asked. I knew it had to be Libbie or Casie because they were the only ones who knew.

" I can't," he said,"If you can keep secrets so can I."

I cant believe he said that. I knew who told him... Casie. Why the hell wold she do that to me? I had to talk to her.


(4 hours later)

Jessie's POV

We went out to dinner at Applebees and I told Casie to come to the bathroom with me. As we were walking to the bathroom we were right behind the bar and we stopped.

"Why did you tell him about my dad I told you not to?" I asked her.

"When did you tell me not to tell him?" she replied. Really how stupid could she be.

"While I was in the hospital, Did you really not pay attention? Some friend you are," I said.

"Well maybe next time talk louder," she replied.

"Really, your seriously going to do this to me, you have a perfect fucking life and you are seriously insulting me after I have got brutally abused by my father!" I was yelling now. I hated her so much right now. I thought she was my best friend. Best friends don't do that to each other.

"Ok, you know what," she said, " I am sorry for telling Cam about you and Libbie and what happened and I still want to be friends with you, I promise I will listen to you and always respect your wishes. It won't happen again."

We hugged each other and I started to cry. This has been the worst week ever. I needed someone. When we went back to the hotel we had the front desk switch us to another room. Cam helped me move all my stuff. After everyone left I went into the bathroom and pulled up my skirt to the top of my thigh. I grabbed my razor and I was about to pierce my skin when I stopped. I couldn't. I had been clean for almost 1 year. I couldn't, for Libbie I have to stay strong for her.

I know we haven't gotten that far into this story, but this is my story.

When I was young I was abused by my dad, by the time I was 13 I was cutting myself almost every night and I have the scars to prove it. my dad left when I was 16 and my little sister was 11 and we finally got away. I continued to cut because my mom decided to make us move to Jacksonville,FL I lost all my friends. It was hard. Then I met Cameron Dallas the love of my life and things changed for the best. Then the worst thing happened. My dad came back and he hurt me more than ever before. The jerk hurt my sister too, I could have stopped him. I cracked two of my ribs, broke my nose,wrist and ankle. My best friend, told Cam what really happened. Im pretty sure he is mad at me. My dad is in custody of the LA police department.

My name is Jessie Corans, and that is my story.



Now you guys now Jessie's real story.

I Love you guys!!!! We got to my goal 100 reads!!!!! Can we get to 200 reads by July 26th?!

Live young wild and free my chicken nuggets!


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