Chapter 16

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{3 days later}

Jessie's P.O.V

My mom's flight was coming into LAX today I am so excited to see her. Cameron, Libbie, Matt, Taylor and Dillon came with us to the airport. Her flight wasn't coming until 8:00PM and we got there at 5:00 PM so we had to wait 3 hours.

(3 hours later)

It was 8:15 pm and my moms flight wasn't in yet. I didn't really think much of it at first, but when it was 8:50pm I started to worry. So instead of sitting there and waiting any longer I decided to get up and talk to the lady at the front desk.

"Excuse me mam, my mom's flight was supposed to come in almost an hour ago, the flight from Tampa. Do you know how much longer she will be?" I asked.

"Um, I don't know how to tell you this, but the flight from Tampa ran out of fuel in the air and they crashed, I'm so sorry." she replied. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. What was I going to do? Cameron came up behind me and tried to pull me in to a hug, but I pushed him away, just as I had to everyone around me when my dad left. I sunk to my knees and pushed my hands to my face. I just sat there and sobbed.

After I had calmed down a little, I tried to stand up, but my legs were shaky so Cameron carried me to the car. Libbie nor I were stable enough to drive so Taylor drove us back to the hotel. When we got there, Libbie had fallen asleep in Matt's arms so he carried her inside. I walked in to our room and changed into shorts and a t-shirt, not caring who was in the room with us, though it was only Cam (who had seen me before) and Matt who was to busy taking off his pants, leaving him in boxers and he climbed into bed with Libbie. Cameron did the same, except with me. I nuzzled my head on his chest and let the tears that were left in my eyes fall on him. He didn't care.

[the next day]

I was still grieving and I didn't really want to do anything today except lay in bed and snuggle with Cameron. Dillon brought Cameron's laptop to him and started looking at apartments.

"Oh yea, Jessie I wanted to tell you, Matt, Nash, and I have thought about this. We are going to be moving into an apartment, next month and the 3 of us were wondering if you and Libbie want to move in with us?" Cameron said to me with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Cameron, this is alot for me right now with my mom and everything, but I will talk to Libbie and my answer is yes. Thank you so much Cam, I love you."

{Later that day}

I decided that I would go and find Libbie, and of course I found her at the Starbucks right around the corner. She was sitting in the corner with her laptop and was editing her new YouTube video. Which reminds me I haven't made one in a while. I walked up to her.

"Libbie," I said, as I hugged her, "I need to talk to you. Cameron just asked me if we want to move in with him,Nash, and Matt next month, I told him I would talk to you and tell him."

"Jessie, I think that's a great idea, but don't forget that we have to fly back to Florida and get our stuff." She replied.

It was hard for us. But since I am over 18 I can be Libbie's guardian and we can make our own decisions. We decided to have a memorial service for my mom tommorow. It was just going to be me and Libbie and the rest of the guys.

Later that night, Carter had the idea to take us to a party to get our mind off of everything. I changed into a short blue dress and put on a pair of black heels. When we got to the party Casie went to the bar and started drinking.

Matthew's P.O.V

After an hour passed Libbie and Jessie were no where to be found, but Casie stumbled up to me and she reeked of alcohol.

"Matt, you know your really cute," she said, her breath smelled so bad.

"Thanks, now let's go get you sobered up," I replied.

"No, nows your chance you can do what you want with me." Then she kissed me I tried to push her off, but she wouldn't get off. I saw Jessie and Libbie walking through the crowd out of the corner of my eye and I shoved Casie off and chased after her. Jessie turned around and got right up in my face.

"Who do you think you are kissing anther gilt while you are dating my sister, and especially our best friend. Did you force her to kiss you?" She yelled. At that point Casie was stumbling out of the building because we were standing in the parking lot.

"Hey guys, great party right?" she said kissing me again as a pushed her off.

"She kissed me I didn't kiss her," I said trying to convince Jessie and Libbie. Libbie looked like she was gonna go all Jeff the Killer on Casie.

"Casie," Jessie said, "You can stay with us one more night until your sober enough, but after that you have to pack your stuff and go back to Florida and never talk to us again." I think she was to drunk to understand. Matt went back inside and gathered up the rest of the guys and we left. When we got back to the hotel Casie had passed out and Nash had decided that he was going to break up with her tomorrow. It had been a long hard past few days.




But I'm gonna go for tonight.

Live young wild and free my chicken nuggets! Live simply so others can simply live.


Is it really real???Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz