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Jimin and his dad were walking down the hallway. Jimin's dad was wearing a white shirt with skinny jeans, he sometimes perform singing performances by the roads just for fun. He quitted his job as en engineer two years ago, and his wife was really supportive. Although the familg income is only by the mother, who's an architect, they still lived happily. Jimin and his dad were close before he quitted his job, maybe Jimin thought his dad was having some issues, so he didn't want to disturb him in any way. But, they were drifting apart, Jimin didn't come to him when he was facing trouble, while Jimin's dad didn't comfort him when he needed him the most. So, Mr.Park grabbed the opportunity to care for his son.

" So Jimin, how was your day? " Mr. Park insisted on helping Jimin carry his bagpack but Jimin declined. Jimin didn't look as happy as usual which made Mr.Park worry.

" It's pretty good. Ms.Gracia is great and all... but. " Jimin's voice suddenly dissappeared.

" What happened today? Did you friends do something to you? " Mr. Park stopped at the hallway and kneeled down so he can get on the same level with Jimin. Jimin silently nodded, teardrops forming in the corner of his eyes, pouting.

" They said ballet is only for sissies. "

" No they're not. "

" Yes they are! They said that normal boys should be running in the field playing football instead, not wearing tutus and twirling around like little faires. " Jimin stomped on the ground.

Mr.Park paused for ahwhile, and pinched Jimin's chubby cheeks.

" Owwwwww. "

" Oh Jimin. " He smiled and hugged Jimin. Jimin hugged back tightly and cried his heart out on his dad's shoulders. Tears and mucous were all over his shirt.

" I don't want to be a sissy. I'm not a sissy. " Jimin muttered by his father's ear. Mr. Park grabbed hold onto Jimin shoulders, as Jimin looked at his dad with confusion.

" Jimin. Everyone is special in their own kind of ways, you know that right? " Jimin nodded.

" So, what makes you special is you. You, make yourself special. You needn't follow the things you dislike. If every boy plays football, if every boy loves cars; then there is no special in them anymore. "Mr. Park looked at Jimin, still sniffling.

" Do what you love most. Live your life to the fullest. It's better taking risks and learn from mistakes. Sometimes it takes a bit of patience and luck, also some time, eventually to be sucessful and happy. After all, I've met your mother through singing and that was my biggest luck ever! " Jimin rubbed his eyes and chuckled a bit.

" Be as bright as the sun and as sparkling as the stars. You're going to be the best, I just know it. "

" Tell me Jimin, do you love ballet? "

Jimin nodded while sniffling.

" Do you really love ballet? "

Jimin nodded firmly.

" Jimin! Do you love ballet? "

" Yes I do! I love ballet! "

Jimin jumped and nodded fiercely. He leaped into his father and hugged him again.

" That's my Jimin. Chase your dreams, do what you love, most importantly, never give up. Prove them wrong, prove all of those people wrong. " Mr.Park smiled and wiped Jimin's already dried up tears with his thumbs .

" I will never give up on ballet! I'll make my dreams be reality and be the best version of me. " Jimin exclaimed while hopping around. Mr.Park sighed in relief, he was both happy and glad. His son has already grown up. Jimin stopped hopping and looked up to his father who made those which were complicated things so easier for him, and smiled broadly.

" I love you daddy. "

" I love you too Jimin. "

Mr. Park picked him up and spinned around. The hallways were full with their laughter and chuckles.

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