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" Beautiful Jimin! "

His ballet teacher stood up and applaused. Yoongi sat by her, his jaw dropped on the floor, gasped in awe as Jimin made flips in the air elegantly. It's nearly impossible for anyone to nail this right, but Jimin did. It was certainly breath taking and Jimin was thrilled by looking at Yoongi's expression. Jimin bowed as the music stops, Yoongi threw him a towel and Jimin sat next to him, laid his head on Yoongi's lap, panting while staring at Yoongi's black gorgeous eyes.

" D-did I do good? " Jimin asked, smiling, still exhausted from the routes. Yoongi took the towel that Jimin was holding and grinned.

" Too good. " Yoongi replied, and helped Jimin by wiping the beeds of sweat on his forehead.

Time past quick.

It has already been months since they got together.

Jimin didn't tell his dad about Yoongi just yet. Jimin couldn't find any chance as his dad was still hospitalized.

He'll tell him someday. He still has plenty of time.

Yoongi introduced Jimin to his boss when his boss checked on Yoongi, his boss was pleased meeting Jimin and offered him a job at the donut shop. It was hard for him at first, but he soon got the hand of it, and became a pro at it. Jimin simply enjoyed his job as he could spend time with Yoongi constantly. Yoongi never complained either so it was a win-win situation.

Jimin would always be by the door, greeting customers with a wide smile while Yoongi sat by the counter, always admiring Jimin for afar.

Their relationship grew stronger and stronger. They never fought. After Jimin's ballet practice, they would go back to Yoongi's apartment. (Yes Jimin moved into Yoongi's place) and they would go for strolls while holding hands in the neighbourhood. Jimin was recieving glares from others, in the other hand Yoongi just ignored them and kept quiet. Jimin, who was still not used to people giving stares at him, tried to not be so close to Yoongi when they stroll.

" Why are you acting so weird? "

Yoongi, who noticed Jimin was darting away from people, pulled him aside and asked.

" They keep staring. "

Jimin said while pointing at them secretly.

Yoongi rolled his eyes while took the lead by grabbing Jimin's arm and ran.

" What are you doing? "

" I feel like running. "

They ran for miles and not stopping. Jimin, who was already tired, whined as the journey continues.

" Yoongi, I-i just had ballet. Can we stop for ahwhile?" Jimin panted.

" We're almost there. " Yoongi looking back at Jimin, who was already sweating bullets.

" Where are we going? "

" You'll see. "

Soon Yoongi took him up to the hills, but not very far from their house. They ran, and ran. The hill wasn't really high, so tired Jimin could still run. Finally, they've arrived at the peek. The sun was already setting and the scenery was so incredibly beautiful. Jimin was so stunned by the view before him, the orangey sunlight that shone through him, the almost transparent clouds hanging onto the sky and flocks of birds flying in the sky. This reminded him, that his dad would usually take him fishing when he was younger. When they owned the sky, when they had everything.

Jimin inhaled all the fresh air and breathed out deeply, his face truly relaxed. He's going to be the best male ballet dancer, and he's going to win. He said to himself. Jimin would never forget how his dad imfluenced him, trusting Jimin's gut and letting him be.

He's going to make all those dreams that he made when he was a little boy come true.

For his dad, and for himself.

Jimin glanced at Yoongi who was admiring the view, and glanced back at the view.

" Yoongi. Can we come up here more often? I kind of like it here. "

" Of course. " Yoongi grinned and hugged Jimin from behind. Jimin rests his head on Yoongi shoulder and sighed.

" What? " Yoongi nudged Jimin.

" Nothing. I just wish my dad was here with me. " Yoongi smiled at Jimin's answer and gave him a peck on his cheek.

" He'll get better Jimin. "

" I know. My dad is strong. Nothing could bring him down. " Yoongi gave him another peck on the cheek and his whispered by Jimin's ear.

" I have a suprise for you. "

Jimin turned over in excitement, and wrap his arms around Yoongi's neck.

" Yes? " Jimin's tone was curious yet excited.

Yoongi shoved his hand into his pocket and not long after took out a piece of paper. Yoongi hold it in his hand and Jimin examined the paper.

" It's a small paper. "

Jimin said. Examinating further on, he noticed that it was not exactly paper, but a ticket?

" A ticket? Just tell me. " Jimin gave in and Yoongi chuckled.

" I'm going to see you perform Jimin. "

Jimin's mouth was wide open for quite a time. He repeatedly shook Yoongi's shoulders, asking him if he's joking or not.

" Stop. Are you joking? "

Yoongi shook his head.

" What about work? "

" Boss let me off a few days. "

Yoongi smiled. Jimin couldn't believe it and dashed into Yoongi's embrace.

" You're going! "

Jimin exclaimed in excitement. He never knew Yoongi would use his time on him, ever.

" You should be lucky, you're the first person that made me do this. I'd rather lie in bed than this, sleep as usual, my brain keeps telling me not to, but, this is different. " Jimin chuckled.

" What can I say? You're addicted to me. "

" Maybe I really am. "

They both walked down the hill, fingers locked and secured, Jimin hated darkness. But, anytime he's with Yoongi, nothing seems fearful anymore. He swore to himself, Jimin would never stop loving Yoongi, and will never leave him no matter what.

Yoongi, became a part of Jimin.

Where Jimin is, Yoongi will always be there.

To make things right.

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