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" Yoongi. How do I solve this? "
Jimin tilted his head to the right in confusion as he turned around and handed his question paper to Yoongi.

Jimin was doing his assignments at their bedroom, sitting on Yoongi's usual desk while Yoongi sat on the bed behind him, scrolling through his phone as usual.

Yoongi looked up from his phone, and saw Jimin's lost expression.

" Let me see. " Yoongi takes the paper from Jimin and looked at the question. He scrunched his brows.

" Jimin, this is simple math. How can you not know? " Jimin laughed akwardly while Yoongi seemed weird, as he was desperately wanting an answer.

" Have you been concentrating? "

" You see, the competition is just days away, so I skipped some classes. " Yoongi sat up straight, and stared at Jimin.

" Jimin. I highly discourage that. You shouldn't be skipping classes. Education is significantly important. " Yoongi grunts as he gently threw the papers on the table and crossed his legs.

" You should reschedule your time properly. " Yoongi's tone firm, he meant it.

" I'm busy with ballet lately. "
Jimin reached out his hand and placed it on Yoongi's lap.

" That's not your excuse right? " Yoongi sarcastically snorted back and Jimin retreated his hand.

Jimij looked at his own two feet, both thumbs facing each other and nodded lightly. Jimin felt miserable. Yoongi sighed as he pulled a chair next to Jimin and kissed him on his forehead.

" I'm sorry Jimin. I shouldn't raise my voice at the first place. "
Jimin lets out a tiny gasp and Yoongi lips formed a small grin.

Yoongi pulled out some supplies like blanked sheets of paper from his drawer, and pens too. Jimin looked up, looking at Yoongi using a black marker to emphasise the word: FUTURE. On a blank sheet of paper.

" What are you doing? "

" Helping you. "

" Why? "

" You'll need it. "

Yoongi said while grabbing more pens from his pencil case infront of him.

Jimin leaned in and watch Yoongi do the rest. Yoongi's hand were like magic, just a few glides through the paper, he managed to finish a chart which was labelled: JIMINIE'S FUTURE PLANS.

" Jimin. What do you want to do for the rest of your life? " Jimin didn't even hesistate to say: Teaching ballet.

Yoongi blinked a few times and shook his head.

" Don't you want to be someone, like doctors or engineers? "

Jimin shook his head.

" Why? " Yoongi asked.

" I want to be a male ballet teacher. Firstly, ballet is definetly not a common hobby that all boys share. I still remembered, those horrible bullies, picking on me, throw me to the ground, hit me on my stomach, it was so hard for me to go through. The world is so cruel, Those fears I had since I was a child, all those insecurities, sometimes still wandered around my mind. When I retrace those memories, it's still scary to think of. I wouldn't want any boys to experience what I had experienced then, I want to change this: ' Ballets are for sissies. ', as it is wrong. I have a great and caring father that always supports me, believes in what I do. He always have my back and stood up for me when I was told at. But not everyone has a dad like mine. "

Jimim paused for ahwhile, and looks at Yoongi. He reached for Yoongi's hand again, and looked at Yoongi straight in the eye.

" Yoongi, if my dad weren't there for me, I wouldn't get through all those criticism, all those setbacks that were kept thrown at me. Most importantly, I can't go after my dreams anymore. Those negativity will take over me. I highly doubt that I will even be here today. And I wouldn't even meet you in the first place. I'm unable to hold hands with you, nor cuddle with you anymore. I wouldn't be able to have daily strolls with you, I wouldn't be able to kiss you at the cheek every morning to wake you up. I'm very grateful for what he'd done for me. So that I can, have you. "

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