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" Jimin.

Make me proud.

I love you. "

" What? "

Jimin saw a figure running away, his steps were heavy and unwilling.

Suddenly, it's getting dark.

Darkness is coming from all four corners of the room. Which left Jimin stuck in the middle, don't know what to do. His knees were buckling as he looked around.

He saw a person standing infront of him, his back facing Jimin. He's in a large oversized cotton sweater, the one Jimin wanted Yoongi to wear for a long time. That's probably him.

" Yoongi? "

Jimin was terrifed, the darkness came closer as Jimin reached for him. Yoongi turned around, a little grin escaped his lips. Jimin smiled broadly, his hero is here.

As always.

Jimin ran towards Yoongi. Yoongi reached both of his hands out to Jimin, but he suddenly vanished into thin air.

The darkness, was all over the place. Jimin couldn't help but to tremble, as everything became black.

" Yoongi! "

Jimin sat up suddenly, his eyes wide open.

Oh, just a nightmare.

That's all.

Jimin took a few seconds to figure that out. He lets out a sigh of relief and laid back on his bed.

" Yoongi. I had a bad dream. " Jimin turned to Yoongi's side, waiting for Yoongi to plant kisses all over his face.

He's not there.

This place isn't Yoongi's. But, it looks fimilar.

Why am I in my old room? Jimin thought as the surrounding isn't at Yoongi's anymore. He smelled the piled up dust around him.

On the floor.

On his funiture.

He rubbed his eyes and got off the bed.

" Weird. How did I get here? "

He was still in his yesterday's clothing. Maybe Yoongi brought him home, but why?

Jimin headed down the stairs, and examined the filthy place.

Almost everywhere were covered with layers of dust.

" Damn. How long have I left this place. "

Jimin walked into the kitchen, and he touched the stove which was cold. His fingertip was dusty and he quickly wiped it on his old blue jeans as he wandered around.

" Yoong! "

" Yoong! "

" Yoong! "

No response. No one is here.

He reached for his pocket, his phone was still there. He searched for Yoongi's contact. Wanting to call him.


He couldn't find his contact.

He thought his phone wasn't functioning as he tilted his head. He dialed his number, but this number,

Isn't picking up.

" God. Where could he be. "

Jimin went back to his room to freshen up. When he finished, he rushed down the stairs and called for an uber. The uber arrived shortly and Jimin head back to Yoongi's.

Dream ChaserWhere stories live. Discover now