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I repeat, his heartbeat stopped.

He's not breathing.

Do you copy me?


" Yoong? "

Jimin woke up, dressed in white oversized clothing.

Laying on a fresh crunchy field.

The smell of green grass hits Jimin later, as he slowly opens his eyes.

Focusing his vision.

The sky.

The white sky.

Looks so, unnaturally, beautiful.

The yellow sun,

Shone through Jimin's fingers.

As Jimin lifted his hand up, and blocks the sun from his sight.

The cool breeze made Jimin's hair move a little.

He felt, relaxed.

Really, glad.

He took a deep breath, and was just enjoying the moment.

Soon, he sat up, and the first thing he could ever think of,


" Yoong. "

Of course.

He heard someone, kneeling onto the crunchy grass.

And someone hugging him from behind.

A blue haired guy.


Jimin turned his face to Yoongi, and planted a soft kiss onto Yoongi's forehead.

" Jimin. Oh, how I missed you. "

Jimin smiled, and puts his chin on top of Yoongi's head.

" Yoong, where are we? "

Jimim mummured.

Yoongi looked at Jimin in the eyes.

Oh, he looks pale.

He's crushed.

By me.

It's all me.

Yoongi grabbed onto Jimin's fluffy cheeks, and gave a gentle squeeze.

Yoongi expanded his palms, until he was cupping Jimin's face.

Jimin, still waiting for his answer, was looking at Yoongi's face feautures, trying to memorise them.

Every single one of them.

Before forgetting them.

Jimin saw something,

The corner of Yoongi's eye,

A teardrop emerged.

Jimin sighed as he used his thumb to wipe off the tear that was going to fall from the edge.

Yoongi, looked devastated.

" Yoong, stop it. You've been crying lately and I don't like it. "

Jimin said it and played with Yoongi's blue fluffy hair.

" Don't cry anymore, I'm here. Okay Yoong? "

Yoongi looks into Jimin's eyes desperately,

Trying to find something.

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