
23 1 0

Long chapter.

" Thank you, and enjoy the donuts! "

Jimim handed over a bag of donuts to one of his regulars, accompanied by a little girl.

The little girl, he thought she was really adorable. And cute.

They were walking towards the exit, and also Jimin rushing towards the glass door, him already giving a sincere bow as he helped them with the door.

The little girl tugged her mother's sleeves.

" Mommy! "

They stopped midway.

The woman looked at her daughter with loving eyes. Jimin, too, looked up from the ground, can't help but to grin.

" Yes? "

" I want to carry that! " The little girl pointed at the bag of donuts. Later she pushed her fuzzy scarf that was in her way, away and reached over to the bag of donuts.

" Are you sure? Mommy can- "

the woman's fingers, not letting go of the bag of donuts. Firm. The girl nodded enthusiastically as her lips curled into a big smile, her hands already holding the bag of donuts.

" Yes mommy! I'm a big, big girl who can help now. "

" Oh sweetie. Okay then. "

the woman lets go of the bag, and her daughter holds it steadily with both of her hands. Squeezing a smile out of her face. Trying to cover up her expression, as it was too heavy for the girl to handle.

" Thanks for holding up the door! "

the little girl turns and bows to Jimin, her mother chuckling and nodding as gratitude. Jimin smiles and nods back.

He saw them going into their car, the little girl struggling to put the donuts into the backseat of the car, but she finally did. She then ran to the other side of the car, climb onto the front seat with her mother, and off they went. Leaving a gust of smoke behind.

Jimin closed the door and went back to his station.

Well, usually when Yoongi was around, he would sit as this very spot, while Jimin would go through the aisles, fixing anything he could lay his eyes on, trying to make things flawless.

This time, Jimin sits at the cashier and pulls out his phone. Until the next ding on the bell rings up, he would just stay there and scroll through his feed.

The seat wasn't so cold; it's warm, as if Yoongi had already sat on it and warm it up for Jimin.

He heard a 'ding' at the door, as he quickly shoved his phone in his back pocket and looks towards the entrance.

Taehyung. Of course, his boss.

Jimin's welcoming smile fades away, becoming a more deeper smile.

The smile wasn't automatic anymore, it was more like a 'happy to see him' kind of smile.

Taehyung looked around the shop, his gaze finally fixed onto Jimin.

" Hi boss. " Jimin chirped as they exchanged waves.

" Chim. " Taehyung grinned as he takes off his jacket and walks to the employee's room.

Jimin sat back down, and pulls out his phone again.

Taehyung came out of the room as he looks at Jimin timidly.

Of course, Jimin would notice those big, brown eyes just staring at his head.

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