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" Hmm. Yeah, I'll get donuts. "

Time flew quick. 8 years have past and Jimin was still in the academy, going for the competition that was open to all ages from 16-22. He still has blonde hair but didn't grow as tall as the other boys despite stretching all day. 'Genetics' his dad told him.

Jimin has just finished his routine and now on the way home. He just went in a donut store to get some donuts.

Jimij chose the Chocolate coating one, and the plain one. He went to the counter and saw a guy with glasses, about an inch higher than him, just looking through his phone. Jimin was patting his trousers, searching for his wallet and he took off his bag and looked for it. The guy saw Jimin walking towards him, he realised something as his eyes widen.

" Hi so how much is this? " Jimin didn't notice his expression as he was still searching money through his bag. When he looked up, the guy had already got off from his seat and hugged him tightly. Jimin was startled and patted the guy's back, comforting him in a way.

" Um. " Jimin looked around seeking for help, but no one was here but them. For a while the guy hugged him and finally let go, Jimin catching air as he breathes heavily.

" S-sorry, but do I kn- "

" Can I have your number please? " His voice was cute, Jimin thought.

" But, do I know you? " Jimin still absent minded.

The guy rolled his eyes and grabbed Jimin's wrist and extended Jimin's palm, his whole body went fowards as the guy wrote the words: Y-O-O-N-G-I with his index finger once again.

" Oh my god. " He was becoming teary.

" Hi Jimin. " Yoongi smiled like how Jimin remember he would.

" I-i, I can't believe it. " Jimin cheeks were red in excitement as Yoongi took off his apron and hung it up. He went to the door and flipped the sign to 'close'.

" Sit. " Yoongi urged him to sit on the chair that was set up there.

When Yoongi sat opposite him, Jimin handed out coins and paper to Yoongi.

" The money. " Yoongi pushed his handful of coins back to himself.

" No. My treat. " Yoongi said as he took off his glasses and put his cellphone infront of Jimin to type his number into his contacts.  Jimin gave his number and Yoongi saved it.

Jimin continued eating his plain donut when he looked up, seeing Yoongi staring at him made him choke and his ears were red also.

" *cough* What are you looking at? "

" You haven't changed a bit. " Yoongi said, examining Jimin as Jimin chuckled.

" What's with the hair colour? " Jimin pointed at his mint green hair, smiling of course.

" I like it. Don't you? "

" I do. It's cute. "

" Yah! Aren't you being sarcastic? " Yoongi didn't expect a compliment so he got shy and blushed really hard. His cheeks were cherry red. Jimin smiled.

" You're cute. "

" W-what? "

" I'm just happy I've got to see you again, that's all. " Jimin smiled and continued enjoying his lunch. Yoongi hid his face in embarassment by wearing his glasses and scroll through his phone. Jimin's phone starts to vibrate in his back pocket, he takes a look and saw his dad calling.

" Abuji? Dad? " Jimin munching his donut.

" Son. Are you coming back? "

" Yeah, almost. I've met a childhood buddy and we've exchanged numbers. I'm about to drive home. "

" Great- But can you drive to the Hospital instead? "

" Sure. Do I need to pick up some medicine for you? "

" Um, I'm at the hospital right now. I've been sent by the ambulance. "

" What? " Jimin stopped eating and sat straight. Yoongi looked at his expression, he was blinking fast as his gaze trembles.

" Oh god, I'll come right now. " Jimin hung up as he clumsyly packed everything in his bag and fit the whole donut into his mouth.

" What? Where are you going? " Yoongi asked but Jimin's mouth was too full.

" Ughmadaeihoital. " Jimin blurted but Yoongi just took his jacket and went out the door.

" I'll go with you. "

Jimin nodded and quickly drove.

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