Monsters At Night

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I hit the ground hard. "Ow! Where am I?" I sat up and started to look around. I found myself on a raised white brick flower bed. There are paths all around me going in different directions with hedges on either side of each walkway. I felt like I was in the middle of a roundabout. The area was foggy with beams of light shining through the fog.

I looked up, and I realize there was no evidence from which I came. The fog was thick towards the sky and started to thin out as it touched the ground. The beams of light seemed like they were trying to punch through and find a way to escape the dense clouds.

I patted my body down to make sure nothing was broken. "Damn it! This is my favorite outfit." I looked down at my black jeans with the cuts in the knee, my red chucks, and my red BTS shirt, now all smeared with dirt.

" I looked down at my black jeans with the cuts in the knee, my red chucks, and my red BTS shirt, now all smeared with dirt

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I tried my best to dust the dirt off. I sat down on the edge of the flower bed and jumped down. "Where in the world am I?" I said to myself.

I walked down one of the paths as I ran my hand lightly along the hedges. It wasn't pitch dark, but the fog made me feel like I was in a scary Halloween movie waiting to get taken out from the villain in the story.

I was taken back by whispers coming from the distance. I couldn't hear what they were saying. It was almost as if someone was whispering behind my back. "Hello? Anyone there?" There was no answer. I tried to make out what they were trying to say, but the words were too mumbled.

The whispers started to get louder as I moved down the path. The mumbling seemed like they weren't just behind me anymore, they were beginning to come from all around me. The voices seem to bounce from one side of the hedge to the other as if they were having a conversation. My heart started to race as the sounds began to get louder and bounce around me faster. I picked up my pace. I knew I needed to get out of here, but I didn't know where I was or where I was going. I didn't want to be taken out like this.

The fear started to build inside me as the voices felt like they were right next to my ear. The words were going too fast to make out what they were saying. The only worlds I could make out were "army, why, Korean, your fault, and go outside" The voices grew to full volume, mumbling a bunch of nonsense and laughing, but it felt like they were laughing at me.

I was at a full sprint, my heart pounding with my hands over my ears and just wanted out. "Stop! Stop yelling at me! Just leave me alone!"

All at once the voices stopped. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. It was an eerie quiet: no breeze, no rustling of the bushes, not a single thing, but my heavy breathing. I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on my chest to catch my breath.

"How do I get out of here? Where am I?" I whispered in desperation.

"Where are you?" I heard a deep voice questioned me with a curious tone.

I gasped and jumped up to my feet not expecting to hear an answer to my question.

"Hh-hello?" I stammered "Who's there?"

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