Stairway To Heaven

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The guards walked me down the stairs, through the corridor and back to the throne room. They knocked on the door, as the door opened the king yelled, "Jessica! Welcome? Join me for breakfast."

I walked down the red carpet to the Kings' throne. There he had set up a table, buffet style with plates of eggs, sausage, bacon, sliced ham, fruits, rolls, and juice. I was in awe at the array of foods to choose from.

I sat down across from the king and placed my napkin on my lap. "This is amazing, your majesty," I said.

"I thought we could have a nice breakfast and talk about what you wanted to do now that you are staying here," the king said.

He seemed to be in a cheerful mood and delighted that I was staying here now. I watched as he ate his meal with the biggest smile of satisfaction on his face.

"Your majesty, since ill be staying here for a while, is it okay if I get to know the castle grounds for myself?" I asked.

"Of course you can." the king said.

I was shocked that the King so nonchalantly agreed to let me roam around the castle.

"I have one request though," the King said not making eye contact, "You can go anywhere you please, except for the tower."

The King look dead straight at me. He was dead serious. Which only made me more curious.

"Yes, of course," I said as I started to eat my meal.

Once we finished our meal the king had his staff remove the food from the table. The king sat across from me leaned back in his chair.

"Tell me about yourself, Jessica," the kind asked.

"There's really nothing to tell your majesty," I answered.

He tilted his head and stared at me as if he knew that was not true. "Jessica, I've seen many people from all over the lands, but I've never seen anyone quite like you."

I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or not.

Trying to read the King was very hard. He never really looked at you when he was talking unless he was trying to get a point across. He never smiled or laughed. He always seemed like he was thinking or plotting something. Every time I looked into his eyes and I would see small shimmer but it would disappear and not last very long. I know there was more to him, but if the more to him was good or bad. I wasn't sure if wanted to figure it out.

"Jessica," the King said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you still tired?"

"No. I'm alright. I must have fallen into a food coma," I said giggling. "I'm sorry you must have a lot to do."

I bowed to the King and excused myself from the table. As I walked toward the double doors the guards opened them for me. Before I reached the doorway the King yelled, "don't forget, anywhere but up to the tower!" I nodded to him and walked out the door.

I made my way back to where it had all started. I looked out to the garden and admired the beautiful red-shaded flowers and trees. I wandered along the path and took in the fresh air. I turned and looked at the castle from where I was. In the distance, I could see the tower. How I am I going to get to the tower to see if there is any magic there to take me home? I thought to myself.

I reminisced about all the creatures I met while on my journey to this point. Koy said I would have an army with me, but the only army here is the Kings' army. He said I would not be alone but that turned out to be not true either.

Yeon is just weird and talks in riddles. I can't understand why he was calling me weird and normal at the same time. Even though he had me on edge, he has been somewhat of a friend I can lean on and I haven't seen him in a while.

Speaking of friends, Twitchy and Pinky have a friendship that no one could understand but them. What two crazy characters.

The Red King is a pain in my ass. How am I ever to understand or trust anything he says. One moment he is lying and hiding things the next he is acting like my he has interests in me. I still don't know his back story and how he became King.

This world is not normal. I don't know if I will ever get home. I might as well give up and just accept that this is my new home.

I walk around more of the grounds all defeated. I passed by where the guard gathered before taking their positions. There is a large room where all of the weapons and battle gear is stored. In the corner, at the end of the wall was a small window near the ground. That must be where the dungeon is, I think to myself. I realize the sun is beginning to set and start heading back to the castle. I walk back through the garden, over to the garden wall and look down into the valley. I watched the leaves of the trees move in the breeze and imagine Yeon floating through the trees. I look twice at a tree branch thinking that I saw a glimmer of a smile. I shake my head, "I must really be tired," I say to myself.

I walk back into the castle and up the spiral staircase. I pause before I reach the archway to my floor. I look up the stairs to the tower. "Don't forget, anywhere except for the tower," the King's words echoed in my head.

"You weren't planning on going up there were you?" The unexpected voice made me jump.

"Oh my god!" I was startled by Olly who was looking at me in a very curious way. "No, Olly. I wasn't planning on going up there. I was just admiring the architecture of the building."

"Good, cause we're not allowed up there," she said.

"I know Olly. The King made it very clear that I was not allowed up there." I replied back to her.

"The King does not like to be bothered when he is up there at night!"

I was surprised by her words. "Well, I should be heading off to bed now," I said to Olly as I rushed off to my room. "Goodnight and sweet dreams you beautiful girl," I yelled as I walked into my room.

As I shut my door, I realized the guards were not there. Did the King actually trust me or was he finding other ways to keep an eye on me? I sat on the edge of the bed and thought about what Olly said, The King doesn't like to be bothered up in the tower at night.

I washed up and got into bed. I stared at the ceiling with my hands behind my head, "I wonder what he's doing up there," I said to myself as I slowly drifted off pondering on what it could be.

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