Rectangular Smile

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I started walking into a dense forest — the light is coming through the tree branches made for beautiful but somewhat scary scenery. The tops of the trees seemed to blend in together made it was very hard to see what should be the sky. It was hard to remember what the stars looked like. It felt like I had been here for a very long time.

Suddenly, I started to hear rustling sounds in the trees. "Koy? Is that you? Of course, it's not him! He's too big to be in these trees."

"Talk to yourself much?" I heard a voice come from a distance.

"Who's there?" I replied shaken by the unknown but familiar voice.

"Did you know talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence?" An airy deep raspy voice said coming from the trees.

"What? Of course, it does! You can't think if you don't have a brain!" I shouted out.

"The birds tell me that there are lots of people who tweet, but you can tell they don't have brains." He remarked back to me trying to sound theoretical.

"That doesn't make any sense!" I snapped back.

"Doesn't it though?" He said calmly.

"UGH! I'm out of here!" I said frustrated by the conversation already. I started walking, not knowing where I was going.

"Where is here? Do YOU know where here is?" The voice followed as if he was playing a game with me.

"NO, I do not! Do YOU know where I am?" I answered with a wise-ass remark. "As a matter of fact where are YOU?" Looking around for some sign of who the voice was coming from.

"I DO know where you are." He replied confidently.

"You do? Where am I!" I exclaimed with joy.

"You are there." He so matter-of-factly stated.

"Are you serious?" I was feeling flustered with this silly game; he was playing with me.

"Why wouldn't I be? I can see you as plain as day." Just as he's finishing his sentence, two big purple anime eyes appear; floating and staring right at me. Then, from the center of his face outward a boxy smile emerges. With just his eyes and teeth, his head tilts as if he is waiting for me to freak out and run.

"Where is the rest of you?" I asked, not surprised that this the next creature that I am running across.

"It is here." He spun upside down, and the rest of his body started to appear from his pointy ears to his fluffy tail.

His body was small and fluffy, like a cotton ball. You could barely see his legs, and his face was almost the size of his body. He was all purple with shades of red patches overlapping each other. He didn't have many, but they were interesting nonetheless.

"You're a dog?" I questioned.

"No, I'm Yeon." He corrected, with a tone as if he didn't have a care in the world. There was an awkward silence as I watched him float around me like a train on a track.

"Why are you being so mysterious?" I questioned him.

"I am not mysterious, missy." He replied to me.

Missy? His words took me by surprise.

"So, do you know how to get out of here or not?" I finally asked.

"Where is here?"

"Here! Where we are! This location!" I firmly put to him.

"And where are we?"

NOT AGAIN!! I thought to myself. "I don't know?"

"How can you get out of a place which you do not know where you are? For that matter where are you going?" He sounded like a fortune cookie that I didn't ask for.

Throughout our conversation, bits and parts of Yeon's appearance are disappearing and reappearing which is causing me to get agitated by his lack of care.

"Will you STOP that!" I snapped once again.

"Stop what?" He said as looked at me with a sinister grin.

"Stop making yourself invisible. You're not taking this seriously!"

He slowly made the lower half of his body disappear and looks at me with his chin resting in the middle of his two hands. His eyebrows were fierce. It was like he was scolding me but with an 'up to no good' smile, "Is this better?"

"NO! It is not!"

His upper part of his body started to disappear and his lower half began to reappear, with his tail wagging back and forth. "Do you prefer this then?"

"NO! Why are you so weird?" I say as I turn my back to him.

"What you may define as weird others may define as normal, in which in that case makes YOU the weird one." He said as his body started to return to normal.

I peeked up at the thought of his words. I turn to look at him and said, "If I think you're weird and you think that I'm weird then, that makes us both weird?" Trying to sound philosophical.

"Does it, now?" Yeon said contemplating.

"Why won't you answer any of my questions?" Tired and about to give up; I flopped my arms to my side as I sat on the ground. "You just answer my questions with another question?"

"How can I not answer your questions, if I'm answering your question?" Yeon sounded puzzled.

I start to feel my blood boiling and my face turning red from the frustration. I stood back up and right when I am about to scream at Yeon, and I feel something touch my leg.

"what?" As I look down, I hear a small voice say, "Excuse me beanpole."

Taken back and in complete shock, "Did that bunny just call me beanpole?"

"Indeed he did, and that's my cue to go." He pulls himself into a sitting position right in front of me. Yeon in a low deep giggle slowly starts to fade away from his fluffy tail to his head. He brings his fingers in the shape of a V up to his eye as his face began to dissipate. All that is left is his boxy smile then that too disappears. All you can hear is a slight echo of his laughter in the distance.

"Wait...!" It was too late, Yeon was gone.

I quickly remember the rabbit and looked around frantically. A little ways away, I can see his white ears popping up and down out from the tall grass in the distance.

"Wait, Mr. Bunny!" I yelled, hoping he would hear me.

I became aware of what sounds like a door closing in the distance. I started to pick up my pace hoping that I did not lose the rabbit. I began to get worried.

I stopped as I came up to the enormous tree. It was more massive than the one I fell in. In the middle of the tree was a 3-foot door with a rounded top. There was light coming through the edge of the door, all the way around. I grab the doorknob and take a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing," I say trying to convince myself.

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