Kookies Anyone

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I slowly pushed the door open and got smacked in the face with a blinding light. I tried to block it with my arm, but it was no use. After my eyes adjusted, I was able to see.

"Dang it. I bet that little white cottontail is gone."

I started to explore my surroundings. The area appeared to be endless tall grass and thick trees sporadically placed. In the distance were several hills.

"Is that smoke?" I asked myself. In the distance, there was what looked like a line of pinkish smoke dissipating in the distance. I started on my way toward the smoke. I had finally arrived at the top of the hill, I was exhausted and drained. All I could think about was water but all I could smell was cookies.

I strolled down the hill and saw what looked like an 8-foot long table in a clearing. There were cups and plates of all colors, and food arranged on the table. It was decorated and looked like there was a party about to start. There was a small cabin in the background with pink curtains that were visible through the window.

A walked a few more feet and noticed some movement through the gaps of the tall grass. There was a tall man with a light blue jean jacket with three different shades of pink patches on it, on one side of the table. I could see what looked like light pink hair under his black backward cap that had a pink design. "Wow! That's a lot of pinks," I said scoffing.

On the other side of the table, there was what looked like a rabbit. I froze in place looking at the rabbit. This can't be the same bunny I saw, I pondered. The rabbit's ears moved strangely. It was not like the white rabbits' at all. I tried to take it all in knowing I was about to go on another adventure. I took a deep breath and started onward.

"When do the guests arrive, Pinky?"

"When they get here, Twitchy!"

I made a space big enough for me to walk out of the tall grass and into the clearing. Then the two stopped what they were doing and turned to me.

"The guest has arrived, Pinky!" Twitchy exclaims as he threw his hands up in the air. His smile was big, which made his eyes disappear.

Standing there with a white tank top and black jeans, was a salmon-colored rabbit. He seemed taller than the white rabbit but not my much. His ears were long and slender, and they seemed a bit crooked. His ears didn't flop back and forth but twitched around in weird directions.

I look around to see who they were talking to. "Who me?" I said as I pointed to myself.

"Yes! Yes! You are our guest of honor," Pinky says very proudly.

"How did you know I was coming?" I ask a bit skeptical.

"We invited you," Twitchy replied quickly.

I looked at him curiously. "Well, since I'm here, let's sit down and partake of the festivities," I said, excitedly but with caution.

"Did you happen to see a white rabbit come through here?" I ask as we walked towards the table.

The two looked at me then back at each other as if to avoid eye contact with me.

"Nope!" Replied Pinky quickly as he pulled up a chair and sat down.

"A white bunny?" Said Twitchy, as he tapped his finger to his cheek walking pass Pinky. Then Pinky flicked him on the shoulder.

"Yes!" I answered stunned by what I just saw.

"Nope. No white bunny here." He finally said, rubbing his back. He pulled out a chair and sat down, glaring at Pinky.

"I saw a blue bunny, yesterday," Pinky said trying to change the subject.

I look at him in a disappointed manner. That was not what I wanted to hear and it felt like they were hiding something.

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