Plan A

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We walked out of the throne room and down the hall and turned on to a long thin corridor. At the end of the corridor was a winding metal staircase.

"We are almost there. You may go back to your posts," the king said to his soldiers.

Two soldiers stayed with the king as we walked up to a winding staircase. One was between the king and I and the other one was behind me. The king stopped at an archway that opened up on the second floor which my room was on. I noticed that the stairs kept going up more. I looked up through the middle of the staircase to see how far up it went.

"Don't you worry your pretty little self about what's up there," the king said.

I followed the king to my room down the hallway that had arched windows on one side that you could see into the courtyard. We then stopped at double doors," stay and stand guard," the king said.

He then opened up the doors to a room I couldn't have dreamed of. The room was huge with a queen size bed and curtains draping off the sides of the canopy. I ran my hands against the softest silk blanket that had a peachy hue to it. On the side table, there was a basket of fruit that was of "normal" size. There were beautiful lanterns with golden frames around the room and a washbasin with a towel and lavender-scented soaps.

I turned around and looked at the king with the biggest smile on my face.

"This is my room, your majesty?" I said.

"Yes. It's all yours. You can stay as long as you want," the king said. He looked pleased and proud of himself like he was giving charity to a lost puppy.

"Goodnight Jessica. I will see you in the morning," the king said as he closed the door.

As soon as the door closed my fake smile dropped, "Okay, now to work on a plan on how to get out of this place!"

I pulled out a piece of paper I had grabbed on the way to the room. The king thought I was just admiring the grounds but I was making a mental note of where we were going and what we were passing.

I grabbed a couple of grapes and used the juice as ink and quickly jotted down everything before I forgot. "Throne room is here, we went down the hall and then corridor, we went up winding stairs here, and my room is here. I'll ask the king for a tour tomorrow so I can see more of the castle," I said to myself.

After a while, the door began to creak and I grabbed the paper shoved it into my back pocket. I jumped into the bed and acted as if I had been there the whole time. "Hello? Who's there?" I said.

"Are you awake bean pole?" a squeaky voice said walking into my room.

My eyes widened as I scrambled to the end of bed not believing what I was hearing. "Oh my God, it's you!" I said. "Do you know how long I've been looking for you?"

"Yes," he said reluctantly, "you've been following me all over the place. I've been trying to lose you. You're an unwanted tick on my rump!" The white rabbit said.

"You've been trying to lose ME! It's YOUR fault I'm here in the first place!" I said frustrated.

"No one told you to go and fall into that hole," he said sarcastically.

"You're right, but if a certain fluffy white rabbit didn't wink at me I wouldn't have fallin' into that hole in the first place!"

"Are you absolutely positive about that?" The white rabbit said slyly, eyeballing me.

"Yes, why else would I be here?" I said confidently.

"No reason," he said turning towards the door, "I just came by because I was told to check on you."

"You were TOLD to check on me?"

"Yes, the king wanted to make sure you were settled in okay."

"I'm settled! Thank you!" I said frustrated.

"Okay. Well, I'm off then." The white rabbit hopped away with his fluffy cottontail bouncing behind him. He stopped then smirked as he shut the door behind him.

"I better get some rest I am going to have a long day tomorrow," I said pep talking myself.

***The next morning****

I woke to the sound of someone knocking on my door.

"Yes, whos there?" I say rubbing my eyes.

"Jessica? I have a message from the king." a tiny voice said on the other side of my big wooden doors.

"Please come in," I said sitting up in bed.

The doors opened to a small almost sheep-like girl walks in. She had a long face, matted long white curly hair, big eyes and tan fur all over her body. She stood upright and you could hear her hooves hitting the floor as she walked. She looked down at the floor as if she lacked self-confidence.

"Hi, Im Jessica. What's your name?" I asked the girl.

"Hello," she said trembles at her words, "Im Oliva, but everyone calls me Olly."

"What a beautiful name, It's nice to meet you, Olly," I said.

She lifted her head and looked at me. She had a small grin spread across her face. Her eyes had a sparkle to them and she seemed to stand a bit taller.

"Thank you, no one has ever told me my name was beautiful before," She said shyly.

"What! No one?" I was surprised, but then remember where I was. "Well, I will gladly remind you when needed."

"You wouldn't happen to know..." I started to ask Olly when I considered that it could be the king in disguise again.

"Know what?" Olly asked.

"Know...if the kings is in a good mood today?" I answered.

"He seems like he is. Oh, by the way, he would like you to meet him downstairs in the throne room. I almost forgot to tell you."

"Okay. I will get dressed and meet him there." I said already plotting things in my mind.

"Great! I will let him know you are on your way. Bye, Jessica, I will see you around." Olly said listening to her hooves as she skipped away.

She closed the door behind her and I rushed to get ready. I know how to get to the throne room from here but I need to find out if there is a potion room like the king said. If there is, there should be a book hopefully with a way to get home. I can roam around a bit and say I got lost on my way there. I thought to myself.

I hurried and opened the wooden doors. I walked out the door to see two guards standing there.

"We will walk you to the king. He is waiting for you." one of the guards said.

"Well there goes that plan," I huffed under my breath. 

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