Im Not Afraid of You

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Tears were streaming down my face. I had never admitted out loud that I was the one to blame for my father's death. I had alienated myself from my family. I was scared that they would hate me for what I had done. Moving to the country and leaving my friends and everything that reminded me of all the good times with my father, hurt so much. I felt like my mother was punishing me.

I felt anger in the pit of my stomach. I was so mad that my mother wanted to start over and forget about my dad. I was mad that she made me leave my friends and all the memories. She was overprotective, kept me from going out, and meeting people because she was so afraid that something would happen to me. When I completely dedicated myself to BTS she kept trying to make me go outside.

BTS had helped me move past all the hurt. It was the only thing I had left to remind me of my dad. He had encouraged me to learn Korean, took me to their first concert, and when I started collecting albums made me feel like he was still with me. It was the connection between him and I that I did not want to let go of.

My mom didn't get it, she never bothered to find out. She was just mad that I had put all my energy into an "Asian" group and spent all my time in my room instead of making friends. I didn't want to make friends. No one out here liked BTS. At least in the city people would know who they were and wouldn't judge me for liking them. I would have friends to go to concerts with and hang out with, but no! My mom had to move me out here in the middle of nowhere, with no one.

I looked up at The Red King, He was not amused by my story. He killed his father with his own hands. My father's death was caused by another. It was not the same in his book.

I was mad! I was tired of having no control over my life. What I wanted to do, who I wanted to listen to, who I wanted as my friends. I was tired of people telling me what to do, what to wear, throwing me into dungeons, not giving me straight answers, and playing games with me. I was done! I was over it all!

I looked down at the potion in my hand. I don't care what this does, if i'm going down, i'm going down with a fight! I thought to myself.

"Jessica," The Red King called, "do you really think you can defeat me?"

As I looked up to the Red King, he could see in my eyes that I was not the same little girl. There was determination, anger, courage, and strength.

"It doesn't matter If I can defeat you or not. I am tired of all your games! All I want to do is go home and if youre not going to send me home then I refuse to be your prisoner any more." I said as I took the potion and I threw it at the Red King as I watched him brace himself. A huge puff of pink smoke covered the small room. I reached around for another bottle and threw it as well. I continued to throw potion bottles. Different color clouds of color kept appearing. The colors started to mix until it was dark and hard to breath.

I moved around the room, feeling the walls for more things to throw at the king.

"Jessica! Stop this at once!" The king yelled at me.

"Not until you send me home or set me free!" I yelled back at him. 

I started coughing. I could see anything as the smoke filled the room.  It was getting hard to breath and I couldn't breath. I felt lightheaded like I was about to pass out. No! I thought to myself. I can't stop now. I have to get out of here. I can't faint now. I can't lose.

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