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Months had passed. Every morning the King would come into the throne room where my cage was hung near his throne, that way he could keep an eye on me. I was too far off from the ground to jump and no way for me to climb up and out. I was stuck.

The king walked in with his proud attitude always reminding me that he always had the upper hand. I was stuck in a cage like a rat.

"Here's your daily meal." He said smirking at me.

"I don't want your nasty food! You do this every morning!" I replied still angry.

"Don't be like that my pet. At least I am feeding you." The king said laughing.

"I'm not your pet! Why can't you just let me go? I'm so sick of this!" I said pleading with him.

"What fun would that be? I get to tease and torture you every day as many times as I want."

I could see the evilness in his start to build. He took pleasure in making me miserable.

I turned my back on him and sat down ignoring his existence.

"Fine, if that's the way you want to play." He said fed up. He then shook my cage flying me from one side of the cage to the other.

"Stop that you tyrant!" I yelled at him.

"Don't be mad because you couldn't get away." He snapped back at me. He sighed, "This is not as fun as you used to be," sounding like a pouting two years old, "Take the cage and throw it off the cliff!" He commanded one of his guards as he waved his hand dismissing me, "I'm bored with her already."

"What! No! You can't do this!" I pleaded with him. I watched as the guard walked over to my cage and reach up for it. My heart started to beat fast as panic started to overcome me. I started crying uncontrollably. This can't be the end? I need to get home and see my mom and brother. I didn't even get to tell my mom I'm sorry. The cage started to shake violently. "Stop! No! stop!"

"Be quiet, you!" The Red King said, hitting the side of the cage with his staff.

It had all been a dream? I was dripping in sweat, my heart was racing a million miles a minute and I had tears coming down my cheeks. My cage wasn't hung from above, instead, I was in a cage with legs on the floor next to the Kings' throne. The Red King was sitting in his chair with his legs over the armrest looking at me.

"You're such a noisy person." He said unbothered.

I wasn't going to be thrown off a cliff! How long was I out? I was still small but very much alive. I took a deep breath and was relieved it was all a dream.

"Your Highness," I asked as the sweetest and kindest voice I could muster. He looked over at me, lifting an eyebrow. "If I may ask, how long was I out for?" I asked.

"A couple of hours." He stated.

A couple of hours? It felt like I was in that dream for months, I thought to myself. The king watched me, amused as I walked around back and forth trying to figure out why it had seemed like it was such a long time.

I was back to square one again. I figured if I stroked his ego maybe i could get him to hate me less. Remembering back when he was masked as an assistant, he talked about wanting to have power. He seemed like a very narcissistic king. I thought if I could get him to talk about himself, I could ask him more probing questions.

"May I ask you another question?" I said hoping he would reciprocate an answer.

"Very well then," he said a bit curious about where this was going. "What do you want to ask me?" he said sounding amused.

"How did you become king?" I watched him waiting to see what his reaction would be.

The king sat up tall in his chair, "No one asks me that question. They usually want something from me like money, land or favors." He started to sound angry as he went on.

I sighed. I really needed to get on his good side to get out of here.

"I became king when my father passed away. I was very young but was very well taken care of. I had maids, nannies and anything I could ever want."

"Well that explains a lot," I whispered under my breath.

The king stood up as if he was about to address the crowd. "I was around 16 when I found out my father had a secret room in his study. I was playing Hide and Seek with one of the nannies."

"A secret room, your Majesty?" I said trying to sound invested in his story.

He seemed impressed that I was actually listening. He smiled slyly raising the corner of his lips and continued on with his story. "Yes, I loved my father's' study. I enjoyed sitting in his chair. It had always made me feel important. It had a tall back on it and was made out of the most beautiful wood."

I could see his face light up as he spoke. He had such confidence talking about that room. He had really cared about something other than himself. I wondered how he had gotten to this point.

"One day, I was sitting in my father's' chair, I grabbed the edge of his desk to pull myself closer. As I had done that I had hit a button that was on the underside of the table. It had opened a sliding door that was made to look like a part of the wall." The King said.

"Like 007!" I blurted out without thinking.

The king spun around holding his chest. I had surprised him with my sudden comment.

I had become more invested in his story than I thought I was going to be. "Sorry, your Highness, please continue."

The king straightened his clothes and regained his posture. "I was surprised by my dad's secret room. Beyond the door was a spiral staircase that headed down to a room with a table and chairs in it. I had thought it was where he planned his war strategies or counted his money." The king had paused his story, sat down and looked at me impressed that I was hanging onto his every word.

"Would you like something from the kitchen? You had been out for a while, I'm sure you are hungry." He asked concerned.

"I'm sorry?" I was taken back by the kings' kindness all of a sudden. He had thrown me in a cell after finding me guilty without a trial, tricked me into thinking he was an assistant that never existed, shrank me and then locked me into a cage. Now he was offering me food?

If I was to stay on his good side, I would have to take him up on his offer. "Why, thank you, sire. I would love something from the kitchen," I said pleasantly and grateful.

"I'll be right back. I will head to the kitchen myself and make sure the kitchen staff gets on it right away." He got up and ordered the doors open and walked out into the hallway, with the doors closing behind him.

He seemed different suddenly. Not as mean or angry. He seems kind and gentle. Had no one ever sat and listened to him. It then hit me that even his "assistant" seemed kind and gentle at first too.

My thoughts started to get the best of me: Why did he have to go down to the kitchen himself? Why didn't he just order the kitchen staff from here? What if this is a setup? What if he poisons my food? "Oh my god, he's going to kill me!" I said frightened for my life.

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