It's My Fault

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I shook in the corner thinking I may never get out of this alive. The only way to survive this was to intimidate the king like he did his father. I knew that I would have to confront the secret that I've been burying in the depths of my soul. I had to show The Red King he wasn't the ONLY killer.

"You had said that I was a king not to be messed with. Did you forget your own words!" The king snapped at me.

"No, I did not forget. I also knew that you were a king that was very sinister. You don't scare me. You're not the only person who has killed their father."

"Don't tell me you killed your father," the king said in disbelief, "I don't believe a single word." He looked at me like I was nothing compaired to him. 

"It's okay if you don't believe me. It will be easier for me to defeat you, if you have your defenses down." I said in a sassy way. 

The king looked at me trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or not. I stood there looking at him with a "go ahead try me" look.

"You are an emotionally unstable little girl! If you killed your father, then how did you do it?" The Red King said, lifting one of his eyebrow waiting for my story. 

I stood up and looked dead into The Red King's eyes, "My father died because of me! Just like your father died because of you!"

The Red King was taken back with my boldness. No one stands up to the king. No one talks back to the king. Even the townsman was punished for doing so. Was I to be next?

"Very well then," The Red King said as he sat down on a stool near the wall, "Tell me of how you killed your father." The Red King couldn't wait to hear what I had to say. He was hoping it would be an intriguing story.

"I was maybe 13 yeard old. My father was my best friend. He would help me with my homework after dinner and made sure I had everything I needed for school when I went to bed. He bought me my first CD, he took me to my first concert when I was younger and let me hang out with my friends any time I wanted. He was a great man and an understanding father."

The Red King did not look amused. I just ignored him and continued with my story.

"He was one of the best police officers on the force. We would have long talks about all the criminals he would run across or catch. I thought he had the coolest job. He would always work the early shift and leave before the sun came up. He would always come into my room and kiss me on the forehead and tell me he loved me before he left to work. One night while my parents were watching TV downstairs, I snuck into their room. I crawled under their bed and used my dad's walkie talkie to pretend like I was a police officer.

'Officer Jessica and her dad are on duty, sir.'

I would pretend that we would get incoming calls.

"'Officer Jessica! You and your father have to stop this heist from happening! Get to 37st and Broadway, immediately!'

'Yes commander. My father and I are on the way to get the criminal and send him to jail.'

'Lets go dad!'

I could feel the emotions building up in my chest. It was getting harder to keep an even toned voice the more I got into the story. I took a deep breath and continued, "I could hear my parents coming back upstairs. So, I put the walkie talkie back on the charger, ran into my room and pretended I was asleep."

I looked at the king as he gave me a 'this is anti-climatic" look.

"When I came home the next day from school, I noticed police cars outside my house and I knew it was not good news. I ran into the house and saw my mother sitting on the couch with two officers. Her face and her eyes were red from crying.

My mother stood up, 'Jessica!'

'What's going on mom?'

She started to cry heavily and dropped to her knees. One officer grabbed my mom off the floor. The other officer came up to me and asked me to sit down.

'Jessica, your father,' he started, 'He was chasing a man who robbed a store early this morning. He ended up in an alleyway with nowhere to go. Your father tried to call for backup but his walkie talkie died halfway through his message.'

'No! No! This can't be happening!' I didn't want to hear the rest of the story.

'I'm sorry Jessica, we had a hard time finding him without knowing where he was. By the time we found him, he was shot in the abdomen by the criminal and was bleeding uncontrollably. The criminal had gotten away.' The officer had explained. 

'We rushed him to the hospital. A few moments later he had passed away. He told us to tell your mother and you that he loves you very much and he's sorry.'

I ran upstairs and dropped to the floor in the hallway. I knew it was my fault that my father died. I was the last one who was playing with his walkie talkie, but I knew in my gut I had put it back on the charger.

I went into my parents room to check the charger. I looked behind the nightstand where it was plugged into the wall, but only one side of the prongs was bent and not fully plugged in.

I had pulled the walkie talkie under the bed where I was hiding and stopped it from being charged the rest of the night.

ME! I did it! I killed my father!

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