How Could You

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I turned around to see the king. In shock, I stood there just looking at him. He was no longer 'The King', he was fully back to 'The Red King'. His face was as red as blood and I was afraid that he was about to spill mine.

"I- I- I was trying to find a way home. I was looking for a potion that could take me back to my family," I said slowly trying to build up the courage to stand up to The Red King.

The Red King started to laugh maniacally. "How do you think you are going to find a way to do that? You don't know what any of these options are?" The king stops and slowly started to walk towards me. " Do you think you can walk all over me and disobey my orders? Do you?" The Red King was slowly becoming more and more intimidating. I was losing my courage to stand up to him. "Do you think I am weak? How dare you come up here after I specifically told you not to!"

I slinked into the corner of the room. Then I remembered I had a potion in my hand. I looked at it wondering if I should throw it at him or not. Will it make him stronger and more powerful? Make him shrink and turn him to the size of a mouse?

"Are you going to kill me with that potion?" The Red King snapped at me.

"If I don't have to!" I said trembling.

"You wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone another person."

"You don't know what I am capable of!"

"No, YOU don't know what I AM capable of," The Red King said in a calming voice that felt so uneasy that I wanted to cry. "You all think im weak. Even my father thought I was too weak to be King!"

I piped up at the mention of his father. I had forgotten all about not hearing the rest of his story. At this moment I didn't know if I really wanted to hear what had happened.

"All I wanted to do was enjoy my life and be carefree. When my father found me in his study, that was the day that changed my life forever." The Red King started to calm down.

"My father told me:

'My son I knew the day you were old enough to find your way down here, you were old enough to become a man and have manly responsibilities. From this point on no more of this dancing around the castle.'

I started to go to meetings with my dad and talk to the Royal Guards about their approach on protecting the castle."

I looked at The Red King, I never noticed that he had a dancer's body. He was tall, thin and very toned. The King stared at the ground as he thought about his father. He looked sad and almost pitiful. "I missed dancing. I missed the music and the way it made me feel, so light and free. I would dance in my room so my father wouldn't see me," the king said.

I tried to have sympathy for him, but every time I did he would make me feel stupid for doing so. I kept my distance while he told his story, holding tight to the potion in my hand. If he tried anything I was going to be ready to throw it at him.

The king continued his story, "One day my dad walked into my room without announcing himself. He saw me dancing around my room and dragged me out of my room and down to his office. He told the guards to bring my dance teacher to his office. I trembled in fear not knowing what was about to happen.

'Dad please don't do this,' I begged him.

'You were warned! I will show you that this is not a game!' he told me."

I was scared to hear the rest of the story. I could hear the trembling of frustration and anger in The Red Kings voice as he told the story.

"The guard opened the door and threw the dance teacher into the room. She had gotten up, looked at the king and bowed.

'Hello, your majesty. How may I assist you today?' she said politely.

'You taught my son to dance and now he won't stop' the king addressed her. 'He can't go around dancing. If the other regions find out they won't take him seriously.'

'Apologies your majesty. I taught the prince to express himself when he is stressed.' The teacher said.

'You couldn't teach him to kill something instead!'

My teacher gasped at the idea. 'No! I am not capable of such things!'

'Well, I am!' The king said as he took his sword out of his sheath and buried it into the teacher's side.

As she fell to the ground the prince started to cry uncontrollably.

'How could you! She did nothing to you!' I said to my father.

'You're a King! You shall act like one! Now finish her off!' he said to me.

My eyes widened at his request.

'No more prancing and dancing around the castle!' he said.

Looking at my teacher laying on the floor helpless made me so mad. Hearing the king mock me made my blood boil.

'Shut up and give me the sword!' I had had enough of it all. 'I'll show you I am not weak! I'll prove to you I am ready to be king!'

I walked over with the teacher between my father and myself. The king smirked with pride, knowing that this was going to be a pinnacle point in my life.

'Alright son, now prove yourself,' the king said as he handed me the sword.

I looked down at my teacher placing the sword over her neck, 'I'm sorry I have to do this,' I said, tears dripping down my cheeks. My teacher just nodded as she held on to her side from where the king impaled her.

I lifted the sword over my head and took a deep breath. I slammed the sword down missing the teacher's head and bounced it back up into my father's chest.

My father was in shock, looking at me trying to catch his breath as he chokes on blood, 'how could you? You were supposed to be king,' he said in between breaths.

'I am king! I'm The Red King! If anyone disagrees with me then off with their head."

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