The Foretold Story

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"Jessica, Wake up! Are you okay?"

I was flailing my arms. "Leave alone! I just wanna go home!" I awoke in my bed, I sat up. My mother had her arms up protecting herself at the other end. I looked around and then looked at her. "What happened? Where am I?"

"I hired one of the neighbors to cut the grass. It was kicking up a bunch of dirt and your brother heard you coughing and called me to get you. You must have hit your head and been unconscious for a while. The grass was so long we didn't even know you were in the backyard", my mom said sounding very concerned.

I stared at her in disbelief. I was just in a heavy fight with the Red King, how did I get back home? Was I really unconscious and dreaming this whole time? It felt too real to be a dream.

"Go ahead and shower. Dinner is on the table", my mom said sounding more relieved.

I grabbed my mom and hugged her. I felt weight being lifted off of my shoulders as I started to cry.

It took my mom by surprise. She grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me away from her so she could look me in my eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you okay?"

"Mom, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. If I didn't play with Dads walkie talkie that night he would still be alive." My breathing became more ragged and I let out all of the pain I had been holding on to for years. "If I had put his walkie talkie back on the charger properly and made sure it was charging he would of been able to call for help and he wouldn't have died. Its all my fault mom."

My mom pulled me into her chest and held me tight. "Sweetie, your dad knew that he had a dangerous job. We knew you were in our room that night. We heard you under the bed, that's why we came upstairs. We should have check the charger. Not once did we think it was your fault."

Tears were pouring down my face. I couldn't stop crying. I felt so bad for being angry at her this whole time, for pulling away from the family, for keeping all of it bottled up for so long.

"Go shower and we can eat. Tomorrow is a new day. We can get your collection out of the boxes and put it up in the morning. Okay?" I nodded and she gave me a tight squeeze and left the room.

She stopped at the door and turned to look at me. "Listen Jessica, I wanna hear all about your dream, it sounded quiet interesting." She smiled and walked downstairs. 

~~~~A few days later~~~

I came downstairs to the kitchen and looked out the window to the backyard. I stared at the big tree in my yard. I sighed, "I guess it was all a dream," I said to myself. I couldn't grasp the idea that I had just been unconscious. It felt so real, I had gone through so much. I had traveled so far, how could it have all been a dream.

"Jessica,"my mom called, "there is a moving truck in front of the house a few doors down. There is a girl your age in the yard. Why don't you go over and introduce yourself. She could become your new friend."

I rolled my eyes at the thought of my mom still trying to get me out of the house. "Okay, mom."

I went upstairs and got dressed and put on jeans, sneakers and my BTS hoodie. As I came downstairs my mom gave me a funny look. "What? If she is going to be my friend, she is going to find out sooner or later."

I walked out the front door and over to the neighbors house. "Hi, Im jessica. Welcome to the neighborhood."

"Hi, Im Marie. Oh my god. Is that the new BTS Hoodie?" She said to me pointing at me.

"Yes! Are you a fan?" I asked excited but still prepared in case she made fun of me.

"Yes, I have been an Army for several years now?" Marie said.

"A what??" I was confused by what she was referring to.

"An Army. That's what the fandom is called. Everyone is great. We stand together, hand and hand. No one walks alone."

My heart started racing hearing the words of Koy come out of her mouth.

She continued to say, "I moved here from the city. My dad was in the military but finally got out. I used to get teased a lot, since I was always the new kid. I would end up in small cities I would ask them if they knew BTS? Some people didn't know BTS and would make fun of me and call me weird. I knew that I had friends who were Army and they seemed like the weird ones for not knowing the greatest group on the planet. I mean who doesn't know BTS?"

I had the biggest smile on my face and wanted to just hug Marie. She was a breath of fresh air. I felt like the luckiest person on the planet. I couldn't believe that Marie was a fan of BTS and was now my neighbor. I wasnt alone any more. 

My family and I reconciled and were rebuilding our relationship. Things were looking up and I was so happy that things were getting better. I had put my posters, photo cards and albums back on my walls. My room was a place of comfort again.

"Oh ya, Jessica," Marie had said which snapped me out of my daydream, "my dad knows someone who works at the stadium. He's going to get tickets when they come out next week. Do you want to come with us? We are going to get backstage passes."

My jaw dropped to the floor. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around Marie and hugged her. "Yes! I would love that! Thank you so much."

Jessica went into her house and got her cd player and put on BTS. We danced in the driveway to our favorite songs. Then ran to my house so I could show her my collection since her room wasnt set up yet. We ran up and down the stairs and in the backyard. We felt like we had been friends forever.

My mom yelled at us from the kitchen, "hey girls, would you guys like some cookies?"

The End. 

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